
A story

*Misty cant help but get a grin on her face as Carson takes her around the wast and pulls her all over the place finally to end in his lap at the table. Take a bit of her sandwitch she leans her head aganst Carson's.*

"Ya I guess I do like to rune the good moments huh? I was starving though and something about kissing while my tummy was making noises dident seem very attractive."

*As Misty sits on Carson's knee she suddanly felt content again. Something about Carson calmed her yet striked sparks. Misty dident know what they strange feeling was or how it came to be so fast but there was no point in fighting it. The feeling felt good, it made her happy. Misty laughs at Carson comment about her cooking, taking another small bite of her sandwatch.*

"One dosent have to be better than that other you know. They are both perfect in there own way maybe."

*Misty cant help but grin.*

"But I do have to say I'd rather kiss you than cook. One is more fun than the other."

*Lockheart shakes her head and draws her arm awat from Jason but still stays next to him.*

"I dont understand it eather Jason. I honestly dont, let alone understand how they can even get away with it. Maybe they figure the sooner they bring you down the sooner TJY and the people inside will fall. Along with the people in Texas. You have touched so many people life alot of them would be devastated if you were gone. But we arnt going to have to worry about that Jason. Do you know what five days means? Five days means, in five days your gonna be a free man, and your not going to miss any of that important stuff."

*Lockheart smiles and stands.*

"We are gonna do this Jason and we are gonna laugh at the Agency when its threw. Boy am I going to miss you when this is over. Your a good kid Jason."

*Lockheart reaches into her bag and pulls out the rest of the orange for Jason.*

"I know its not much but its whats left from earlyer today. I'll bring you something alse when I come back tomarrow. Try and get some rest tonight. Dream of your girl and how nice its gonna be when you get out and can hold her. Let it bring you comfort Jason. Let the memories protect your mind. I'll see you tomarrow."

*Lockheart makes her exit and heads for the hotel.*

*As Laura shakes the walls of Nate's cubicle her cant help but play along.*

"Ahhhh earthquake help...help..."

*Finally he stops flalying himself about and grins at Laura.*

"Your saved me Laura Gibbs. Your my hero."

*Shuting off his computer Nate stands and streches.*

"Ok I guess we can go. I'll drive. Maybe we can pick up some lunch to. What do ya say? You can even pay if you want. But I am offering so its my treat."

*Angel makes her way into the messhall finding a seat next to Luke knowing he wasent feeling all that great she dident want to leave in alone in case something happend. Not to mention she would give any excuse to be close to him.

Rosetta finds a seat up front with Mick ready to listen to Jamie intently. Whatever was going to be told certinly going to be something big. Why alse would she come all the way out her other than to get away and than call a meeting. Rosetta makes sure BJ playing on the carpeted area where the TV was while he watches Spunge Bob. Rosetta wanted to make sure she would be able to keep an eye on him.

Damien found a seat at the far end of the table. Close enough to hear but back a bit from the other. He still wasent sure how he fit in here, and if there were strange or not. Sure he hung out once and a while but it was always a strange feeling. Though he was a bit saprised when Mick called as asked for him to head over. That a complete stranger was holding a meeting and asked for him to be there. In a sence it felt nice, like he was part of the gang. But on the same hand he felt something tarrable was going to happen.

Wes make's his way arm in arm with Cindy to the left side of the table where it is not to crowded. Cindy had been through so much in the last week Wes could only hope that whatever was going to go down would not more bad news for her. Wes new a bit about who Jamie was and how she had been taken bu the Agency. But other than wanting a get away he new nothing about her. Wes was ready to listen intently.

Wendy also makes her way into the mess hall spoting Clint she grins and heads over to him siting down. and smiling.*

"Looks like I am not the one that intarupted you this time huh?"

*Wendy gives a smerk and than draws her attachen to Jamie as she stands up.*

*Jamie stands. She was as nervous as all get out and she wondered if it showed. She hadent shaired her story with many people and she always had a hard time talking in front of strangers. Clearing her throt Jamie starts to speak softly.*

"First I want to start by sorry I dont normaly talk in front of big groups of people. I've never been good at it. So it this turns out horrable I'm sorry. I guess I'll start by introducing myself for Damien since he dosent know who I am. I'm Jamie and I work for TJY. I was taken by the Agency a while back and was held for a few days."

*Jamie brings her hand to her scar out of instinct.*

"It was the hardest few days of my life that I have ever been though. But when I was being held captive I met someone who was being held as well. Her name was Sam Henson."

*Alittle voice can be hurd from the other room.*


*Rosetta takes her attachen from Jamie to the room with BJ.*

"Just play with you toys hun."

*Jamie looks twords the room her eyes sad.*

"Sam died saving my life. If it wasent for her Con and I might not be here today. Sam new she wasent going to make it out of there alive. So before she died she told me a story. Your sister wasent a bad person she just had her secrest. As you guys were taken from the Agency so was she but she was raised by them. The Agency was all she new. Till finally she wanted to get out and she met someone and they had a child.

When the Agency found out Sam had turned there bad on them they were furieus. They made planes to kiss Sam and her baby off. Taking her husband and errasing his memorie and having him work for them. However as the story goes it dident work out that way. The thugs in charge got it mixed up and killed the wrong two people. You see another lady had a baby that same day, in the same hospetal. "

*Jamie draws in a breath and than lets it out. This next bit of information was going to be quite a blow. Jamie was only happy Katie wasent here.*

"Her name was Tammy Pent."

*Jamie's eyes drift to Rosetta as her own eyes widen.*

"The Agency's men got mixed up and new that the Pent family had always been in there sites So they thought this time whats who there were after and they killed 2 more innocent people."

*Jamie stops talking lowering her head. IT was hard telling this story, she new it braught so much pain. She lets every one take it in for a moment leting room for questions if they needed to be asked.*

*As Rosetta listens to Jamie her eyes widen. Her sister in law, Katie's mom and baby Jason were killed by The Agency. A tear falls from Rosetta's eye. She dident know what to say or how to react. All she new was the great deal of pain she felt inside.*

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