

Feeling Scott's hand run through her head it was soothing to Jess. It was almost a familure feeling that creep up in her memorie for a reason why she found so much comfort in this but like a curten draw Jess couldnt see past this point and for now she let it go just enjoying Scott.

Absintmindedly she brings her hand up and gives Domino's head a pat brushing Scott's hand for a moment before bringing it back down and holding the small dog's paw softly. Rolling over on her back Jess looking up at the cealing. She was comfortable but far from tired. She only hoped sleep would come soon. Glancing at Scott Jess trys to smille just a tiny bit.

"Thank you."

Looking around the courner with Jason Katie gives a nod. She new what to do and how to do it. Nice and eary just like before.

Got it. NOW!

As Jason causes the incodent Katie has no problem striking the fear into the two guards. Taken down in no time Katie is following Jason inside turning to make sure the other two were following throwing them both smiles.

Following close behind Jason the move along the hall. Katie has her own gun drawn for protection.

Camra righthand side.

Being able to talk with Jason and not use words really helped keeping them undeticted. Finally making there way up the steps and hearing people at the other end of the hall Katie's heart beat so loud she thought someone might hear it.

Finally as the cost is clear they continue down to the hall and enter the room. Giving a nod to Carson followed by a smile of reasurance to Ryder.

Standing next to Jason as he questions the man in the lab coat Katie's eyes peace his as she keep her shair ferm using only a bit of his own fear aganst him.

"If I were you, I'd just answer the question."

Good work J.

Once Jason start to walk away Katie stands with her gun pointed at Ross making sure he dosnt move a muscle as her eyes dont leave him eather. They didnt need to, Katie new what was going in with Jason just the same.

Just hurry J. Being here gives me the creeps enough.

Seeing Ross move just a little Katie sets a few steps closer.

"Dont, think about moving another muscle."

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