
Ryder was right

Scott glances down at Jess, searching her face with his good eye. "I don't know what you're thanking me for, but..."

A quiet laugh surfaces. "I'm getting a crick in my neck."

Situating his weight, he slides down to use his pillow again, but makes sure Jess knows she doesn't have to move. Twisting the blanket around, he shares it with her, letting her head wind up on his chest.

"I guess... if you're thanking me for company... then I should thank you too."

Jason moves to the back where he finds the cabinet. Inside were syringes and vials, all marked clearly. Everything was sanitary. Everything was in order. One would think they were at some real medical or science facility.
I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying. I have no idea what I'm looking for... But I don't trust Ross to give us the right information. He could give us another poison and we wouldn't even know it.

Then Jason spots a vile near the back. The label read "267."
I found it... the poison, that is... if Carson really was right.
Fishing a small pack out of his pocket, Jason opens the cupboard and takes one of the vials. While he didn't ever want this poison exposed, having it could help produce an antidote if they couldn't find one... and it would help TJY know what the Agency was working with.

Ross squirms in his seat, nervously looking between Jason and Katie. "You won't get away with this. I don't know how you got in here, but you'll never get back out again."

"You leave that to us," Jason retorts, still searching. His eyes glance past several more things, unable to recognize them or know what they might be. Instead of risking taking the wrong thing back home, he takes several different samples of individual vials, carefully placing them in the insulated pack. Taking from all the rows, one of them had to be what they were looking for. Once back home, Rick and Misty would be able to dissect and figure out which they needed, especially having a sample of the poison itself. Knowing them, it wouldn't take long.

Ross persists. "There are cameras. And guards. You'll be gunned down if you try to run now."

Jason spins around, his annoyance getting the best of him, and he glares at Ross. "And how do you think we got in here?"

The phone on Ross' desk suddenly snaps and sparks until a small stream of smoke appears. Ross' eyes widen. "Did you..." His question trails off as Jason turns his back again. He looks to Katie, then back to Jason, then back to Katie again. "He did... are you..." His mouth falls open. "The offspring."

Jason looks over his shoulder, suddenly paying attention. "What?"

Ross puts a hand to his mouth, a slight smile emerging. "The offspring. You're one of them, aren't you?"

"One of who? What are you talking about?"

"The odds that it would happen at all... then that you would actually come here... to this specific lab..." Ross laughs, the fascination flashing in his eyes. "Unbelievable. Marvelous." He claps his hands together. "What else can you do?"

Jason frowns, and glances to Katie.
Has he gone mad? Is he talking about what I just did or what?

"Who is your partner?" Ross questions. "Is it her?" He points to Katie. "When did you figure it out?"

Our abilities.
A tingle runs down Jason's spine.
He knows about it.
Distracted from what he was doing, Jason comes back to Ross. "What do you know?"

"Oh, everything." Ross' excitement was still evident, despite him being held at gunpoint. "How did yours come out? Was it your emotions too?"

"What do you mean 'too?' There are others? And how do you know?"

"There were. Two that we knew of, but they're dead now." Ross shakes his head. "They wouldn't give in and the Agency would have none of that."

Jason leans down so he's at eye level with Ross. The desire to know more overtook the real purpose of being here. "How did it happen?"

"It was a drug. Experimentally distributed in the United States, but only for a short while. Those that took it experienced no ill side affects. But..."

Jason's eyes widen. "Their offspring."

"Precisely." Ross nods, looking to Katie. "My guess would be it was your father." He looks back to Jason. "And yours too. That's the way it was with the others."

"So it was all just... and accident."

"Kind of. No one was expecting those kinds of results. But Medridge never admitted whether or not he was waiting to see results years down the road."

Only one thing pops into Jason's mind. "If it was made from drugs, then there's an antidote for it too."

Ross purses his lips and stares over the top of his glasses. "We never got that far with the other two. But..." He gestures to his filing drawer. "I do have a formula."

Jason pulls out his gun again, pointing it at Ross' head. "Get it."

Ross hesitates, then moves, knowing he didn't have much of a choice.

Out in the hall, Carson can see the mirror at the other end, and sees that more movement is coming in their direction. "Jason, Kat," he hisses loudly. "Get out of there. We have to move!"

Jason hears Carson, but isn't willing to leave without the formula Ross was talking about. "Get it out now," he orders Ross.

The older man opens the drawer, flipping through bulging folders. "Here." He pulls out several computer printouts with information that Jason didn't understand. But he knew Rick would. Taking it from Ross, he folds it up and slips it into his back pocket. "For that, we won't kill you."

Ross leans back in his chair, squinting a little. "I don't think you would have anyway."

"Jase, come on!"

Jason hesitates, but moves back towards the door.
I got all I could from the vials over there. The antidote we need has to be one of them. We can get out of here now.

Out in the hall, Ryder paces. Carson was getting nervous, and for good reason. They'd been there too long already. It was a miracle no one had spotted them yet.

Suddenly though, movement appears at the end of the hall. Ryder looks quickly, aiming his gun, but just as quickly, he lowers it. His eyes widen. "Brian!"

Brian stops in his tracks, turning and seeing his brother. For an instant, the hall is silent.

Ryder makes a step forward, his pulse racing. "Brian, we're getting out of here right now. You can come with us. We can get you out of here."

"Stop." Brian holds up his hand, stopping Ryder. "You shouldn't be here."

"We needed an antidote."

Carson looks to Ryder with frustration, not knowing whether to aim his gun or not. "Zip it," he orders. "Let him go."

"No!" Ryder glares at Carson, then looks back to Brian. "Come on. This is your chance!"

But a gun is drawn in response.

Ryder's face pales and he backs up a step. "Brian, no... just let us go. We're here to help someone else, and we can help you too if you let us."

Letting Ryder handle himself, Carson has his head turned, looking into the door of the lab, waiting for Jason and Katie.

Brian points his handgun at Ryder. "You shouldn't have come. No one gets out of here."

"But we can - you can. Please." Ryder's eyes beg his brother, knowing that Brian wouldn't be capable of pulling the trigger. He knew he could convince him to leave. He knew he had a good heart. "Just leave this place behind. We can make it safe for you and you can finally fight back. You can get your life back."

"This is my life."

"But it doesn't have to be!" Ryder starts walking towards him. "Just let us..."

His words are cut off as a shot echoes through the hall.

Everything seems to go in slow motion.

Ryder blinks and stares down at his shoulder that was instantly soaked with blood. Shock invades his eyes, but not from the pain - it was from realizing that his own brother had just shot him.

Carson whirls around and his instincts kick in. Seeing Brian's outstretched gun, he's left with no choice. A second shot rings out. But this time, the target goes down, never having felt the bullet to his head.

Ryder's legs suddenly buckle and he collapses onto the floor, his eyes rolling back into his head.

"Jason! Kat! NOW!" Carson shouts. He runs down to the end of the hall where Brian's body was, pulling two double-doors closed and jamming the lock into place.

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