

Gunner lifts his eyes as Hope approaches, but simply shrugs then shakes his head. "Nah... what could I ask for anyway? Nothing in or out of this place, you know that. This whole thing got started because I wanted something, remember? I better cut it out before it really gets me in trouble."

Letting one leg slide down, he leans his head against the wall. "This nightmare is my own. Just make sure nobody gets my stuff up on the roof of TJY... I got a telescope and books up there. But do me a favor and don't tell Reese... that was one thing he didn't know about."

Kyle grins and leans closer to the open window, coming to Alice's eye level. "You think I woulda gotten you a donut without boston cream?"

His grin widens as he moves in to steal a light kiss to her lips. "Move over so I can crowd your space."

Joining Alice in the jeep, Kyle passes her a donut and a can of pop. "Figured I'd need all the pep I could get this morning... since I'm going to go see Erik." He flips the top on his mountain dew and takes a long sip, scanning the outside for a long moment. "I'm gonna see what he's got and what the band is like before I say no... or yes."

He turns his head to look at Alice again. "I, um... thought a lot last night and... I think maybe it's time for me to admit where my passion still lies."

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