
Morning again

Scott returns Hope's hug before drawing away and adjusting his backpack on his shoulder. "Flight was horrible. But it was worth it, having someone as special as you come pick me up."

Giving her a smile, he puts an arm around her as they head for the exit. "I know it's late but... mind if we grab a bite to eat? I missed supper."

"Well, I started out at the used bike place downtown, then progressed to McVane's up on 8th Street. And...." Eli takes a bit of food, taking time to chew. "...there was this other place, I forgot what it was called, but he had cars too."

Switching topics, Eli expertly shifts the conversation away from himself and back to Leo, who he convinces to stay one more night at least until he was feeling better. It seemed a little odd he was so insistent, but Leo gives in. The couch was comfortable enough and the company was nice.

Jade has never been more thankful for phone calls. Though extremely worried about her brother, she's glad when Mick gets a call from Reese and has to talk for a long time - it gave her time to slip away from supper, see Dan in the barn and head to bed before her father had time to chew her out for anything. Maybe tomorrow she would finally ask him if she could stay. Maybe...

The breakfast table was huge. And even though Erik, Twila, Kyle and Alice sat together at one end, it still seemed enormous, especially when the food was served. Anything they wanted... literally.

Kyle gives Alice a sidelong glance, his eyes twinkling. This was just way too much fun. He moves his foot to tap hers under the table.

Twila takes a bite of her bagel and looks to Erik. "So where's Kip anyway? He's usually the first one up."

"He was." Erik nods. "He went for a run."

Twila pauses her chewing and quirks an eyebrow. "He only runs when he's upset."


"What happened?"

Erik shakes his head. "Little disagreement. Everything will be fine."

...Already five miles away, Kip slows and stops, his lungs feeling as though they were on fire. Pausing at the quiet street, he bends over to catch his breath, sweating out his frustrations.

The loud pickup truck with the arrogant driver would be any bicyclist's nightmare. Today was no exception. The need for a muffler drowned out the mocking laughter, but the damage was done. The shoulder of the road wasn't wide here, and the gravel was unpleasant to ride on anyway. The extra wind gust and threat of being hit was enough to send Ty skidding on the rocks, then going head over heels, right over his handlebars.

Landing hard, he could feel his arm being scrapped all the way from his wrist to his elbow. Rolling to a stop, he just lies still, dazed for several moments before growling and sitting up. Testing out his limbs, he discovers nothing is broken, but his arm stung like crazy.

Great. Just great. This was all he needed. If he had a car to drive, he wouldn't be the idiot right now. But just this morning had been his fifth attempt to get his permit. And it had been failure number five as well.

Getting back to his bike, he finds a bent wheel rim. He'd be walking the rest of the way. Giving an extra growl, he sets out towards home, ignoring the pain in his arm, and trying to decide whether he would actually go back to the DMV ever again or not. Five failures wasn't much to motivate him. He couldn't read well enough to take the written test, plain and simple. And it wasn't going to change. He couldn't do it.

Someone stamping on the apartment above is loud enough to finally rouse Gunner. Groaning a little, he pries his eyes open, squinting in the small amount of light that is coming in through the living room window.

Smacking the bad taste from his mouth, he starts to stretch, only to realize that his isn't the only body on the couch. It's then that he remembers he's not alone. And not only is he not alone, but it was late.

"Ohhhhhh crap." Getting off the couch quickly, he unintentionally gives Bree a jolt. "Work... I gotta get to work... Reese is gonna kill me." Stumbling down the hall, he heads for the shower. Reese would have gladly given him a few days off, but after Gunner had insisted on staying, Reese had put him on a team to look for Dylan, and they were to meet about it this morning.

Just ten minutes later, Gunner is coming back into the living room. His socks and jeans were on, but his t-shirt hung from his teeth as his hands were busy loosening the laces of his boots as he heads for a chair.

Flopping down, he sets his shirt aside so he can put on his boots while mumbling to Bree. "I gotta get going." This morning felt strange. It was odd having Bree there with him now, even though last night, he would have given anything to have her stay. The night had cleared his mind, and the fear had subsided at least for a while, leaving him just a tad embarrassed. "Um, help yourself to anything in the kitchen or whatever," he offers. He hated to just run out, but that's what he got for sleeping too late.

Jason is sitting at his desk, and perks up at the familiar feeling that was growing stronger. Katie had arrived to work.

Leaning back in his chair, he smiles.

So are you gonna come in here so I can thank you properly for the gift you left on my doorstep?

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