

Giving a nod and putting her own arm around Scott's back to exit the air port Hope was proud to be on his arm. At the mention of food Hope's own stomach gives a growl reminding her she hadnt had anything all day eather.

"We sure can. I could use some food myself. Name the place and there we go."

Hope smile spread from ear to ear on her face. She was so proud of Scott and all he had been accomplishing. He was standing on his own to feet, and really doing well. The sparkle in her eyes told him that much.

Raising her eyebrow at the mention to the bike shop that had cars in it too Ryan thought it a bit off. That was clean across town almost an hour drive.

"You mean Roth's old mans shop? Seems like an odd place to go visit."

Giving a shuge Ryan continues eating letting it go for now. Taking a bit of her food and just savoring the tast Ryan listens to the rest of the conversation around her.

She couldnt help but be a little glad Leo was staying another night. It was nice having so much company in her apt.

Coming up the sidewalk with a rather large Huskie a tall blond jogs up the side walk. It was still rather early, and she was half a sleep still. Slowing as she see someone hunched over standing on the side work she was a bit worried. Hope she didnt startle him she looks at the dog.

"Rin sit, stay."

Obeying his master Rin sits on the sidewalk and just looks at his master and the stranger on the sidewalk.

Stepping a little closer the woman takes the earphones out. Giving a shy smile to Kip her voice was a whisper showing she was a little on the shy side.

"Hi, are you ok? I have some water if you need it."

The woman holds out the unopened bottle of water as she watchs Kip pant for air. He looked as though he ran to hard, to fast.

Music on full blast the thin, red haired driver drives down the gravel road. Seeing a pick up truck quiet a ways in front of her she cant help but see the person get pushed off the road as well. Continuing to drive a little slowly to see if the person got up.

Finally seeing a little moving she waits for just a moment before driving off to keep herself out of trouble once again. But seeing the rather cute boy start to walk the girl pulls the truck along side of TY rolling down her window.

She had been seen once before a while ago as Ty was coming out of court but since than she hadent seen him. Her honey color eyes just looked back at Ty with question.

"You look like you could use a lift. I am going the same way you are if you would like a ride."

Feeling the jolt from the person next to her on the couch it take a moment for Bree to remember where she was untill she hears Gunner's mumbling voice she remembers. As he disappears down the hall Bree sits up on the couch giving a stretch.

Standing Bree looks around trying to find her shoes. Finding them she goes to reach for them. Not wanting to make Gunner feel bad for having to leave so fast she figured she would see herself out. But hearing Gunner coming back into the room Bree looks up. As if stunned Bree just stairs at Gunner with out his shirt on. Words seemed to get caught in her throat as her heart started racing really fast and it felt like her stomack was having convolutions from fluttering so much.

Feeling like her knees had just been taking out from underneath her Bree sinks down on the couch again forgetting about her shoes she wanted to put on. This feeling was nothing she had felt before and she could feel the color coming to her face worse than it ever had been before. Turning her head away quickly Bree just stairs infront of her at the tv that was turned off.

"I...wont stay long while your...gone..."

Bree felt stupid stumbling over her words but she felt so breathless and like she was burning up.

"..I dont want to eat you out of shirt and home. I mean house and home."

Letting her emotions show strongly Katie smiles as she steps onto the TJY floor. It was good to be back. Katie had missed it here. Getting Jason's message Katie dosnt reply right away heading across the main floor and to Jason's office.

Poking her head into the office a smile spreads on her face as she see Jason. He was a sigh for sore eyes even though she hadnt seen him all that long ago it felt like forever.

I have no idea what your talking about.

Letting her emotions have a big of humor in them a little laugh escapes her lips as she enters into the office the rest of the way closing the door softly behind her. Coming over to Jason's desk Katie leans down over him slightly leaning in close.

"I missed you so much. It feel like forever since I saw you last."

Pressing her lips aganst Jason's Katie lets the moment take over just enjoying it and letting the emotions wash over them and devour them in the moment.

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