

Reese smiles and nods. "Good... and don't thank me." He gives her a knowing look. He knew she was smart enough to figure out who had instigated this. "I think you know who to thank though."

He straightens a little and glances around his desk. "Well... let me do some figuring, talk to Brown and... I will call you to let you know when you'll start. It should be soon."

Gunner gives Bree a sly look. "I like to harass my boss and... I never guess." He takes a sip of coffee, sighing deeply. "I like being on the Elite force. I go around catching bad guys and during downtime doing paperwork. Not exactly the romantic job some people think it is, but... it's what I do."

JT cocks his head. "The Elite huh... You wouldn't happen to know Greg Timble, would you?"

"I know of him." Gunner nods. "Retired right? One of the very first to find out about the Texas gang being mistreated by the Agency."

"That would be him."

"Your uncle, right?"

"For someone who asks a lot of questions, you sure know a lot to begin with."

Gunner's grin slides across his lips. "If you revealed all the cards in your hand before placing your bet, you'd never win a poker game."

Two hours later...

"...and I said, 'Dude, get outta there or you ain't never gonna see another one of them cars!'"

JT laughs so hard at Gunner's story, his eyes start to water as he holds his sides.

Gunner's own face is a bit flushed and his own short laugh escapes, just watching JT laugh. He takes another sip of soda pop, finishing off his second can. Sitting in the living room, the three had been talking and mostly laughing since after they'd polished off the entire pizza. Despite Gunner's dry sense of humor, stories of blundering fugitives cracked JT up, and in turn, made the whole thing very funny.

JT takes a deep breath, wiping his eyes. "Oh... now that is a classic."

"Chris didn't think so."

JT snickers again. "I bet not."

Gunner glances up at the clock, realizing he'd been there much longer than planned. "Well... I guess I better not wear out my welcome." Standing up, he stretches tall. He was far from tired though - he had enough caffeine in him to last three days.

JT stands as well. From what had started out as an awkward evening, had evolved a night of fun. He offers a handshake to Gunner. "Well... come back sometime, Gunner."

"I might just do that." Gunner glances to Bree on the couch. "If your niece doesn't object. She might want the company without the Gunner next time."

Mick keeps his eyes on the wire, pulling out the large staples from the fence posts. He listens quietly, giving a little nod, but not saying much until after he's mulled it over.

"A clear head is something we all need once in a while. Trick is, knowing when it's clear enough to go back." He continues to concentrate on work. "Sometimes the pursuit of a certain feeling holds us back, rather than helping us move forward. We want to reach a specific point in our minds before returning, when it's the actual returning that will help us finally reach our goal."

Holding several old staples in his hand, he nods to the horses. "Would you go grab one of those saddle bags for me?"

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