

Giving Jason a smile and a handshake Nate nods. He'd would of come to the consert anyways, but tonight is was for business too and someone had asked him to come. Giving a glance around before his eyes come back to Jason again.

"I wouldn't miss a concert for my life, but tonight I am here on business too."

Nate holds up a small peace of paper for Jason.

I'm gonna be gone for a little bit, and I hate to leave Jason without his lookout. Mind doing that for me for a little while? Keep him safe for me ok? -Katie

"I guess even with out the emotions she still worrys huh? Do good up there, and don't try anything to crazy we dont need Rick wondering why you weren't on your crutches."

Nate puts the small ear peace in his ear so he could communicate with the band and gives Jason a nod.

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