
Getting it out

Rick agrees with Angel, and sends Jason downstairs to get some crackers and water to see if they can get anything into Con.

When Jason returns minutes later, they get Con to sit up just a little, and try to feed him. Con would have resisted, had he not been too weak to fight, and lamely accepts the help, eating and drinking just a little. Finally tired of trying though, he wants to take no more, and Rick relents, not wanting to rile him up any more.

Con sinks down under his blankets, losing his any amount of alertness as a state of sleep takes over his mind, while his body’s battle rages.

Jason takes to a chair in the corner, keeping his eyes on his friend, finally his emotions beginning to stir. Though he may have never accepted people’s friendships in past years, looking back, he knew now that Con had done his best to be a friend to Jason. No matter what, he’d always been there, whether he’d been keeping Jason out of trouble, or trying to get him to have fun apart from work…Con had come to mean a lot to Jason, and seeing him in this state now was enough to bother him.

He thought back to telling Laura earlier what was happening. She’d immediately wanted to come, but Jason had insisted she stay at work, not wanting her to get even more upset at seeing Con this way. The look on her face had been pure fear…she and her brother were close, and Jason knew that Laura would not handle it well if she lost him.

Sighing, Jason leans down to rest his face in his hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt alone. There were others here…but Con was failing, Laura was back at TJY, Austin was in Texas……and Katie was with Kyle.

A tap on his shoulder startles him and he looks up to see Rick holding an apple out to him. “If you think I forgot about you, you’re crazy. Don’t make me have to look after you too.”

Jason offers a wry grin and accepts the apple. “Thanks.”

“Yeah.” Rick sighs and looks around the room, grabbing yet another blanket to throw over Con, then moves to the thermostat. “Angel, it’s worth a try. I can’t think of much else, and maybe sweating it out of him will work.”

Clint wanders from the garage as he takes a break, and wipes his greasy hands on a rag. He looks around the ranch yard, noting the quietness. It had seemed that ways since Angel had left, with the news of Con. …Con had really become part of the ranch after spending so much time there, so it wasn’t surprising that most here were concerned for him.

It was almost strange to Clint though…he saw so many people sitting alone or together, quiet…he knew they were praying. He’d even seen Mick in the barn with his head bowed in silence… his own uncle, of all people. Clint had been genuinely impressed with the changed he’d seen in Mick since he’d accepted Jesus. He still remembered seeing Mick be baptized, and could still feel the slight confusion, though he hadn’t dared to ask anyone any questions yet. Not long ago, Clint would have thought the whole thing was silly…but he couldn’t deny that his uncle had truly changed…and that was enough to make him wonder if there really was something to this God thing after all.

Clint passes the mess hall, glancing in the window to see Jeff and Eric at one of the tables with their heads bowed. How their behavior intrigued him.

While prayers in Texas are lifted up, so too in Nevada. Laura rests her head on her arms atop her desk, the tears silently streaming down her face. No matter how Jason had tried not to make her worry, she had seen that look in his eyes…she knew that this was a life or death situation, and she feared the worst. Her mind tried to imagine what it would be like if she lost her brother, but she blocks the images, too frightened to think of them. She couldn’t lose Con…he was her stability…he always had been. “Dear God…please heal him… There’s so much more he can do… Don’t take him away from us…not now, not like this…please… Only You can heal him…

Kyle smiles a little as he listens to Katie while they receive their food. “Sounds like a neat bunch of people. Must be hard, never knowing what’s around the bend, working at a place like TJY.”

He takes a bite of chicken. “Mmm…you were right. This is good.” He gestures casually with his fork. “So…you said earlier that Con was poisoned…do other people know about it, or do you keep something like that under wraps?”
He shrugs. “I think it’s cool what you do…being a bodyguard and all. And besides that…” He lifts his eyes as they twinkle with a bit of mischief. “…If Jason wants you along when JetStream plays, then I’ll get to spend more time with you.”

Con’s eyes fly open. He’s drenched in sweat, the temperature in the room very warm, and the blankets acting to intensify the heat. He feels like he’s received a kick to the gut, and doubles over in pain, wincing against the sudden lurch to his stomach.

Rick is on his feet and next to him in an instant. “Con…what is it?”

Con doesn’t respond, but can’t hold down the little food he was given earlier as his stomach revolts, throwing it up.

“Aw great.” Rick throws back Con’s bedsheets, taking hold of him. “Jason, help me get him up and into the bathroom NOW. Jamie, strip his bed and get some clean sheets in here.”

They barely get Con to the bathroom in time before Con’s stomach lets go again. He slumps to the floor as Rick holds his head, patiently waiting for the next violent surge.

Rick’s mind reels. “I don’t understand…food shouldn’t have bothered him, and besides that, he hasn’t had enough for all this.” He grows more concerned as Con continues to vomit. He puts a hand to Con’s forehead, raising his eyebrows slightly. “I don’t think he’s got a fever anymore though…Angel, that cold bath and following heat must have done the trick as far as that goes…” He thinks for a moment and glances up to her. “Could it be that after his fever broke, his system is now flushing itself out?” He frowns as Con’s convulsions continue. “Even if that’s it though, he can’t take much more of this.”

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