

*Katie smiles at Kyle thinking for a long moment trying to decied what to ask from Jetstream for the work on the picture.*

"Mmmm....how about another date with you? I think that would be a nice payment."

*Katie gets a sheepish grin on her face her cheeks still alittle red. As Kyle disapears under the table Katie quirks an eyeborw and cant help laughing trying to look under the table herself.*

"Kyle....Kyle where did you go...follow the light follow the light."

*Katie cant help herself but use her arms and climb under the table with Kyle looking for his contact. Using her hands to feel around on the ground.*

"I dont see it captin...I DONT SEE IT."

*Without relizing it Katie and Kyle comes face to face. Stairing deep into Kyle's eyes watching them twinkle Katie cant hold back any longer, leaning in her heart starts to race as she can feel her face turning a bit red. Closing her eyes her head races even faster as she shakes just alittle bit. Finally her lips meet Kyles, pressing aganst them. Katie lingers, how his kiss tasted as sweet as Honey. Katie dident want to let go she felt lost in time and space. Before she knows he she is pulling away....shocked in herself at what she just did she cant take her eyes off Kyles.*

*Mable and Herb watch from the kitchen. It was always nice to see people happy. Most of all those who deserve it. Yet something was missing. Who new what, but something.*

*After everyone leaves the room Jamies comes over and sits on the bed again. Whispering..*

"Oh Con, What would I have done if I lost you."

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con and hugs him softly.*

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