
The Rits

*Misty cant help but get a cheese grin on her face as Carson calls to her. She had no doubt in her mind that he wouldent. Turning back around once again she makes her way across the floor to Carson.*

"Well want cant have that now can we. I just got you out of alittle trouble with Reese. I cant have you being a big old bear and geting into more now can I!"

*Misty holds her grin as the fire in her eyes dance with mischife and enjoyment. Making it to Carson's cot Misty sits down on the courner edgh not wanting to sit on the ground and get her pants dirty. Once comfortable she hands the food and drink to Carson.*

"I know its not much but its the only thing I could think of bringing you that wouldent make the few people left here wonder what was going on."

*At Misty sits on the cot and watches Carson her mind wonders. It was strange that she was siting there now with Carson. When she first got the call from Reese to come and do her internship at TJY she made it up in her mind this was work. And thats how it was going to stay. Now she was breaking the rules to help someone she hardly even new. What was it about Carson that drove Misty to want to help him. He cerntly was intresting, the way he acted and the way he talked. On top of everything alse he was mighty handsome too. Misty take her eyes off Carson and looks around the room.*

"Looks like your staying in the Rits huh. I guess it could be worse though."

*Misty glance at Carson out the courner of her eye at Carson again but trys not to stair as he is eating and dosent want to be rude.*

*Nate finally pulls into Laura's driveway for the second time today. Turning off the car Nate gets out and goes over to Laura's door opening it for her.*

"I'm truly happy I could put a smile on your face and help you today Laura. I dident like seeing you so sad."

*Nate smiles and heads into the house with Laura having to use the bathroom. Once he is done he waits in the living room for whenever she is ready to go. As Nate waits he looks around at all the picturs of Laura, Laura and Con, and Laura Con and Jason. Many other pictures line the wall of differnt people from TJY. They all looked so happy. Nate cant help but smile alittle more. It was nice to see that such friendship still exsisted in a world of chaos.*

*Katie sits on the coutch in the basment of Mike's house listing to the guys practice. Her feel proped up and tucked up underneath her. Taping her fingers and even at time huming along to the music. It was nice to be siting there spending time with her friends. To get away from all the stress and just relax and have a fun time. Jamie hoots and hollars at a song comes to and end.*


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