

As Misty hovers over Carson, he doesn’t move a muscle, but only stares her boldly in the eye. Her words cut deep…deeper than he’d like. Again, strange feelings try to make their way to the surface…ones that he’s had buried for such a long time. Misty had turned his own thought process around to use against him, and had done it well enough to catch him up again. But still he says nothing. His stare is steady, unwavering, his emotions hidden from view.

Misty’s face so close to his own, Carson can’t help but wonder where her own thoughts are. He recalls their earlier exchange, and wonders if that spark in her eye leads to more than just a spunky attitude. Had it been lit by mutual attraction, or was she simply toying with him? Was she daring him on purpose, or was her only motive to make him think about her words?

As she stands up, Carson’s eyes narrow ever so slightly, an almost-sly grin playing at the corners of his mouth. Without straightening, he sticks out his foot to hook Misty’s leg, knocking her off balance so she falls toward him again. He catches her around the waist, brining her face back inches from his own. “You don’t catch on very quick to the consequences factor, do you?” He pulls her in closer.

Suddenly the light goes out, followed by a tremendous roll of thunder. The light comes back on, and a high-pitched beeping invades the air. Carson lets go of Misty and quickly gets to his feet, following the sound to the door. Running his hand along the edge, he looks up at the subtle wiring, then hears the beeping stop. Through the small window in the door, he can just make out a small red light. His eyes widen.

Turning around, he sets his hands on his hips, looking at Misty again. “Hate to break the news to you, Sassy, but you’re not going anywhere unless you want to set the alarm off in this whole place. Lightning must have triggered the system, and there’s no control panel in here.”

Laura is on the verge of surprised by Nate’s comment, not sure what to think of it. Surely nothing was different between them…was it? He was just helping her out because he’d been her last resort…right?

Pushing aside these thoughts, Laura accepts Nate’s arm around her shoulder as they exit the house, then dash through the rain. Laura squeals with delight as the rain hits her face, getting her very wet, despite the short distance to the car. Giggling, she gets in and straps herself in. “I haven’t been out in a storm like this in a long time. I just love watching the lightning. Out at the lake it’s gorgeous being out in a storm with the waves crashing and the rain coming down in sheets…” She gives Nate a sheepish grin. “Not that I make a habit out of going to the lake in storms, but I’ll admit I’ve done it a time or two.”

Jason grimaces and nods. “It’s coming down pretty hard out there, but I don’t think we should wait ‘til it lets up – it could be a while.” Sighing, he stands and helps Katie back up again. “Alright…let’s go.”

With a quick farewell to the guys, Jason and Katie don their jackets and helmets and head outside into the pouring rain. Though Jason wants to run, he takes his time for Kaite’s sake, helping her back onto the bike. “Sorry,” he apologizes loudly above a roll of thunder. “Wet seats.” Straddling the bike in front of her, he gets it started and pulls out, making sure Katie is hanging on.

Lighting illuminates the dark road, displaying the pelting rain. Almost immediately, both riders are soaked, though it’s a warm rain. Jason skillfully maneuvers the road, though drives with caution as the storm continues.

Thunderheads line the horizon, lit up by spidering lightning, creating an awesome sight. Jason grins to himself and takes one hand off the handlebars to reach back and pat Katie’s leg, then point as he makes a turn off on another road instead of aiming back towards town. A sign signals "Cavern Lookout."

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