
My guess is...

Jason returns Katie’s hug tightly, feeling as though he never wants to let her go. “I’ll never understand why you picked me,” he speaks softly. “But I’m glad you did. I don’t know where I’d be if it weren’t for you. You’re important to me, Katie…and I just can’t help the way I feel.”

He withdraws a little to see Katie’s face, wishing only he could cradle it again, but his arms are full. Grinning, he turns back to the path. “I better get you out of this before you catch your death of cold.”

Con and Laura drift into the living room, Laura moving her bag out of the way. Con leans on the back of Jamie’s couch behind her, not wanting to interrupt her and Nate, but knowing the evening must progress sometime. “It’s getting late. What’s the game plan, guys?”

Carson’s eyes narrow a bit at Misty’s questions, unsure how to process them, and too uncomfortable to respond. As she gives him a hug, he feels himself stiffen. His own reaction catches him off guard. A few minutes ago, he would have enjoyed this. But it was different…she wasn’t asking for anything…it wasn’t out of impulsive’s desire…it was an embrace to comfort…to show care. And that was the kind of embrace Carson was not used to.

His hands automatically raise to be placed on Misty’s back, though the hug is not returned, his mind going in too many directions at once, especially after she whispers those words.

Carson simply stares after her until the door is shut. He doesn’t move for several minutes…contemplating…analyzing…pushing away unwanted emotions.

Giving in to the fact that he’s once again alone, he retreats to the cot, sinking down and leaning back against the wall a little too quickly, making his shoulder hurt. But it didn’t seem too painful in comparison to what his heart was feeling. This was exactly why he’d never spoken of the past…it hurt too much. Why had he allowed himself to open up? Why had he allowed Misty to affect him like that? It just didn’t make sense. He wasn’t himself, and it felt strange.

As Misty leans up against the wall, Ty quirks an eyebrow at her. He was new here…he was slowly learning about the way things ran…about TJY itself and the jobs that were done. Something here just didn’t seem right.

Ty slings his garbage sack over his shoulder, hooking his free hand in his pocket. “So…my guess is that you were not interrogating that guy. What’s up with the secrecy?”

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