

*Misty smiles at she sits down on the Cot. Her own body was tired but there was no way she could sleep not now. Pulling the blanker around her Misty leans her head aganst the wall her eyes moving to Carson. He has his chanse yet he did nothing. Did he truly care enough about her not to hurt her. Carson...she had yet to figure him out, but He was...a good man with a messed up life.*

"So since we have the time, about telling me your true story. I bet you left a bit out too."

*Misty's tone has softened alittle. A smile on her face. Everything was gonna be ok, she new and hoped it would be.Misty hoped if anything came out of this mess maybe the other would see Carson was a good guy for not hurting her or trying anything. Misty wished they could see what she did. *

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