
What are you gonna do

*As Jason spins Katie opens her arms up like she is flying laughing and giggling, leting the rain hit her. The rain felt good, Jason's arms felt good, Katie's laughs felt good. Giving out a hoot and haller.*

"We're free like birds."

*As Katie brinds her head down her sparking eyes meet Jason and she just smiles. How Jason had come to mean so much to her so fast. His eyes, it was one of the peaces of his puzzle that was missing was now found, that bit of happyness was in her eyes and refecten pure joy. It was good to see the change in Jason to see him happy, and have found what was missing. Though there past had been rough Katie wouldent change anything that happend.*

"Even in the rain Jason I have a wonderful time with you. You truly are amazing and I want you to know that. Thank you."

*Katie wraps her arms around Jason and hugs him tight.*

*As Carson grabs Misty and puts her in a head lock her arms imediatly go to his for arm that is around her neck out of pure instinction. Though if you looks at her eyes close enough you would see she wasent scaired. She new Carson wasent trying to hurt her, only trying to help her get out.

As Misty is pushed from the room she turns and smiles at Carson for a bref moment the fire in her eyes returning bright. Holding up her hand to stop Ty from closing the door just yet. In her sassy tone she replys.*

“So what happened a few days ago that made you change you mind? And now will you keep that fire burning? Or are you going to let it go out?"

*Quickly Misty enters the cell again and puts her arms around Carson giveing him a hug she whispers.*

"I have faith in you and wont give up, now you have faith in yourself and don’t give up. If you cant do it for youself, do it for the sassy little spitfire."

*As fast as she entered the cell she exits noding to Ty to shut the door. Once outside the cell and the door is shut Misty leans against the wall taking the back of her head aganst it. The feeling that bubbled inside of her was driving her crazy. How could this happen so fast. She dident understand it and it scaired her alittle.*

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