

Carson doesn't know what to do with himself as Misty talks. He isn't used to sharing about his past at all, let alone having someone be compassionate about it. Whenever he'd dared to speak before, he'd been put down or laughed at...but not Misty. There was a softness to her hard edge...one that confused Carson.

He finally looks up as she stands by the door, sensing her own emotions. Why had they ended up here together? Why had they had this instant pull towards each other? Why tonight? There didn't seem to be an explanation.

Carson is tempted to stand and go to her, but he restrains himself, not wanting to put himself in a position where he might make a mistake. Instead he remains seated, saying nothing. For what could he possibly say?

Jason gazes into Katie's eyes, a grin toying with his mouth. He leans down to offer a kiss of his own, drawing back with his eyes sparkling, the rain pelting down on his face. A laugh makes its way to the surface. "Are we crazy or what?" Holding Katie tighter, he spins around under the storm then stops to lift his face to the clouds, enveloped in the rain. "We're on top of the world!" he shouts into a roll of thunder.

Laura sees Nate to in to talk to Jamie, and turns to her brother. Looking at him for a moment, she moves to give him a hug.

Con accepts, and holds her close, his own mind thinking of the past...she was still his little sister, and he still watched over her like a hawk, even though they were adults now. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Laura backs away and nods decisively. "Yeah, I'm okay. How about you?"

"Oh...I'm alright."

Laura looks at his eyes, knowing he's not alright. "Things will get better. They have to."

Ty makes his way down the hall in the back of TJY, emptying the trash cans into a larger bag. He didn't mind the late night work...he'd rather be alone anyway, and Hal trusted him to do his own tasks. Setting a waste basket down, it slips from his grasp, knocking into the wall with a bang.

Carson looks up quickly, hearing a sound that is not thunder. He's on his feet immediately and goes to the door to look out the small window. Seeing Ty, he raises his eyebrows. "You might get out of here tonight yet, Sassy."

Taking the opportunity before it slips away, he raps his knuckles on the thick glass.

Ty looks up from his duty to see a face at the door and knows it's the guy they'd brought in a couple days ago. Leery, he approaches with caution.

Carson speaks loudly and thumbs behind him at Misty. "Hey, kid, open up the door so Misty can get out of here, will ya?"

Ty comes closer, and sees Misty, his apprehension rising. He didn't know this young woman...apparently she was from TJY. But what was she doing there? Why were they in there together? This time of night? What was really going on? Was it some kind of trick?

Carson rolls his eyes as he sees Ty's hesitance. Thinking on his feet, he reaches out to grab Misty, roughly spinning her around to put her in a choke hold, his face growing angry. His eyes blaze with intentions of getting out of this cell. "Open it now, or you'll have more to deal with than you care to think!"

Ty's face pales. He's sure now that Carson is trying to escape, but if he didn't open the door, the woman would be hurt. Though still hesitating, he reaches out to press the buttons on the key pad, disarming the alarm, and opens the door.

Carson gives Misty a light shove, sending her out of the room with a glare in Ty's direction. "Breathe a word of this to anyone and it'll be you in the choke hold next. Got it?"

Ty's eyes widen as he looks at Misty, then Carson. He wasn't trying to escape? But...what....?

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