
Long Road

*Katie cant help but look at Camryn in the back seat. She liked Camryn she was nice, but she was still trying to get use to her. But slowly it was coming.*

"Ahhh Jason isent that hard to figure out. You just have to find the crack in the hard shell and than once you've chiped a peace away and slide in, its pretty much smooth sailing. Cheering him up is pretty easy, I remember this one time when......"

*Katie stops herself short just going silent for a moment. As she relized how she starting geting carryed away and how it might make Camryn uncomfortable. Stairing out the window ahead she fine turns to Jen to answer his question. Trying to keep her tention on a low key.*

"He's actully doing alot better. I mean he's still not the same old J but he is alot better than when he first got out."

*Katie stops for a moment to remember, memories coming back to her.*

"He's geting there. Cant exspect him to just poof be himself again after everthing he's been though. We just cant give up on him."

*Before Katie can even stop it old memories start to run in and out of her mind. They were good memories, ones that Kate would charish forever. But Katie hadent goten much sleep and it made her more out of wake than normal and today they memories just seemto do her in. A small tear rolled down her cheek. Her emotions just wanted to run wild today. Whiping the tear away Katie opens the car door.*

"Its Hot in here all of a suddon I'm going to wait outside the care for the guys."

*As Danielle kneels down next to Misty and introduces herself she smiles. Taking Dani's hand and giving a smile back.*

"Its very nice to meet you Dani. I'm Misty Miller."

*Misty finally stands and brushs herself off from the sand. Looking between Dani and Carson she felt good. It was a long road to get here, but Misty knows it was worth it.

As Misty goes to say something alse her head starts to spin. Feeling as though someone was pounding on her skull again. Misty flinches and grabs Carson before she falls over. What on earth was going on. Misty had been calm for hours her bloodpressure should of went down by now. Misty had never been one to get migrains but it was never to late to start.*

"This dang headacke came back again. I need to get the advil from the car."

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