

*Misty continues to keep her own arms around Carson just listing to him. His pain was so evadent, and no matter what happend Misty new Carson was really trying. Misty's own past was not an easy one but she had seemed to have been able to get over it quite fast. Now seeing Carson having such a hard time she could only offer words of addvice and comfort, though she wished she could take away the pain. Words form in Misty's mind and before she knows it they are coming out of her mouth.*

"Your right Carson, no matter where you run the past will follow you. You can run to the end of the earth and think you have gotten away, but sooner or later that past is going to catch up to you again. It's time to stop running and stand up to the past. Its hard, its a long road but the past will stop following when we stop running. When we stop leting it rules or life. When we look at are past in the face and accept what happend, and know we cant change it. Thats when the past will cower and run the other way knowing it cant be apart of us any longer."

*Misty keeps her arms tight around Carson leaning her own head on the top of his as it was burryed in he shoulder. Rubbing his back gently she kept her voice softer. Softer than she normaly did. I guess even the sassyest of people can have a soft side that knows when to come out.*

"It's because your that Hero you sent your sister away Carson. You diden't want her to shair the same fait as the rest of your family."

*As Carson leans back in the bed Misty slides down next to him and leans her head on his shoulder draping her arm across his chest.*

"You Carson Banks, were and are a hero. You might have gotten lost along the way, but you are still that hero. You were your sisters hero when you were bullied, you were her hero when you sent her away to keep her safe. Your her hero now when you have given her hope and happyness to know the brother she though she lost. Your a hero to a sassy woman who you taught being yourself was the best way to be. You showed her that someone can care for her the way she was. You where her hero when you lite the spark in her eyes again. You were her hero when you traviled across the country to show her what she left behind. You will always be ,y hero Carson and you will always be Dani's hero."

*A smile forms on Misty's face as she continues.*

"Yep, when we get home we might both go to jail but at least I'm not going alone and I know I was going doing something right. Yep, you made me mad at you, but I am over it. Yep, you yelled at me, but I wasent ever nice to you eather and its done and over with. Yep, you make stupid decisions, but so do I. For goodness sake I broke you out of jail. That wasen't very smart on my part. Dispite all that we are learning day by day and given chanse to change things. What matters is I'm still here and your still here. We offer eachother comfort, love and that lending shoulder. We are a normal couple who go through tough times. I know I dont plane on giving up on you, so dont give up on yourself just yet."

*Misty tightens her one arm that was around Carson slightly as she gives his shoulder a kiss.*

"You'er you stuck with me."

*Katie cant help but laugh as Bullfrog is played. That song always made her laugh no matter how many times her hurd it.

As the finally note of the song dies Katie lets out a sighed to hear it end knowing this was the end to a wonderful night. Looking up at Scott she gives a smile and nods.*

"That sounds good to me. Thank you Sweety."

*Katie stands helping Mike with puting stuff away and cleaning up. She couldent just leave all the work to them. Finally when the clean up was finished Katie stratens and lets a yawn escape her lips. Making her way over to Jason and bends down and gives him a hug.*

"If you need anything just give me a call, or an emotions..."

*Katie stops herself in thought for a moment and lets out a laugh.*

"I glad you have a good time J. Thats what I am aiming for."

*Making her way from Jason Katie gives hugs to the other guys and than makes sure Jen and Camryn have a way home befor she heads out with Scott's hand in her own. Tonight have been a great night.*

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