

Carson isn't startled by Misty's approach - he knew the sound of her walk and movements and didn't have to look up.

He gives a little nod, cringing a little as he tries to force the nightmare's images out of his mind. Gritting his teeth as his eyes are closed, his breathing is still shallow. "Yeah...I'm okay..."

Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees, burying his face in his hands, despite it hurting due to the pressure to his previous injuries. "I just...it was just a bad dream." He sucks in his breath, trying to get himself to stop shaking. "I'll be fine," he mumbles. "You can go back to your room."

Kyle's jaw drops at Katie's comment, and furrows his brow, giving her a sorrowful look. Stepping into the center of the room, he puts his head down, spreading his arms. "Alright, alright...it was MY fault the surprise was spoiled. I take COMPLETE blame for it all. I apologize."

"Aww, Kyle's feeling sorry for himself," Phil teases. "Pity party for Kyle."

Jason grins. "If it makes you feel any better, Kyle, probably your bumbling entrance was more of a surprise than you all just walking through that door."

Kyle straightens and laughs, turning around to help set the food out. "I knew I could do something right."

Scott takes Katie's hand as it's offered, and gives her a smile. Pulling her closer, he plants her back against him so he can sling his arms around her shoulders and lock them under her chin, resting his own chin on her head and hugging her. "This was a good idea," he speaks quietly before leaning around to give her cheek a kiss.

At Nate and Katie's banter, Scott grins up at him. "Yeah, I'd be careful. You're messed up enough the way it is."

"Ohh, but isn't his black eye healing nicely?" Laura suddenly comes up behind Nate, putting her hands on his shoulders and bending around to grin at him. "Kinda got a yellow tinge to it now..." She giggles. "I forgot something when I left earlier and when I came back it sounded like you all were just having way too much fun for me to ignore it."

"Stay!" Mike invites. "We got enough sandwiches and drinks."

Laura shakes her head. "Thanks, but no. I should get home and eat my leftover pasta before it goes bad. Henry will keep me company." She shifts a sly glance to Nate. "Unless someone else wants to join me."

Camryn sits on the edge of Jason's bed and smiles at him. "You don't mind all the company, do you?"

"You kidding me?" Jason offers a small laugh. "I was so bored I was ready to try escaping before I went mad."

Camryn giggles. "I'm just glad you're okay...Kyle was telling me what happened."

"Yeah, well....nature of the job I guess."

Camryn looks down at him, feeling sorry for the way he must be hurting, but her smile remains. "And you still like this job."

Jason shrugs. "I guess it's kinda who I am."

"Well I like you for who you are." Carmyn is about to take his hand, but stops, remembering how Jason had resisted affections before.

Following her eyes though, the corner of Jason's mouth upturns and he takes the initiative, wrapping his fingers around hers to give them a little squeeze. "Thanks for coming."

Camryn blushes just a little. "My pleasure."

"Alright! We got ham sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, and my favorite because Jen makes the best of them all....egg salad sandwiches." Kyle gestures to the counter of food with a flourish. "I say it's time to dig in, but I'll let you ladies serve the invalid over there."

"Hey," Jason growls good-naturedly. "Watch it, or I'll sick Trooper on you again."

Kyle holds up a sandwich in response. "Turkey?"

The evening is full of chatter, fun and laughter. Jokes and banter fly back and forth, and for the first time, Jason joins in, his laughter melding with the others. His eyes are lit with a new spark...or perhaps an old spark, simply needing to have been rediscovered.

Supper is finished off with homemade chocolate chip cookies that Camryn had brought, and once finished, Kyle pulls out the guitars, strumming a little bit.

"I didn't know you played guitar too," Scott comments. Situated on one of the chairs, he casually reaches out to grab Katie as she walks by, pulling her into his lap while still conversing with Kyle.

Kyle laughs. "I didn't know it either." He rolls his eyes. "I can strum around on this thing, but it's nothing like Jason can do."

Phil stands to the side and starts tuning his bass. "Alright, folks, what'll it be? We're taking requests this evening."

"I hope Kyle's doing the singing," Jason comments, putting a hand to his jaw. "My mouth can't take much more."

"Jason? Silent?!" Kyle's eyes widen. "Mark this day on the calendar, y'all. He's gonna quit opening his mouth."

In response, Jason takes his balled up napkin and hurls it at Kyle.

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