
Too much

Jason grimaces as Katie enters the room, now frustrated even more for getting caught out of bed. Sighing, he limps back, leaning on Katie a little bit, and sits on the edge of the bed. "I was just going after that tennis ball. I don't have anything else to do in here except count ceiling tiles, and I've already done that fifteen times."

Realizing his grouchy tone, he tries to compensate, taking a deep breath to try and regroup and stabilize the block between him and Katie, though it wasn't easy. "Sorry. Guess I'm just tired. Rick's not happy with my knee either, so that's great news." He looks down a little, sliding further onto the bed, wincing a bit from his other injuries. "I'm in great shape."

Out in the hall, Kyle spies Jason's closed office. No one other than Katie and Scott had been here before, and Kyle raises his eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. He leans over to Camryn to whisper in her ear. "I'm gonna move some things around in Jason's office." Trying not to laugh, he goes for the door, opening it slowly.

Camryn's eyes widen. She knew more than he did, and calls out quietly and hoarsely. "Kyle, no!"

Too late. A low growl reaches Kyle's ears, and it's suddenly apparent that Jason's room wasn't quite empty of occupants. Trooper lunges at the door.

Kyle's shriek echoes down the hall as he jumps back, arms and legs flying. He trips over Jen's wheelchair and does a backward summersault, smacking into the wall and rolling on the tiled floor.

Camryn gives a little cry as Trooper leeps out of the office, teeth barred. "Trooper, back off!"

Trooper pays no attention, but goes for Kyle, pinning him face up on the floor, growling as he stares him in the eye.

Camryn quickly grabs Trooper's collar. "No Trooper!"

The giant of a dog doesn't even move. Mike tries to pull him off, but it just makes Trooper madder.

Jason's eyes widen as he hears the ruckus outside the infirmary. Stunned for a moment and not knowing what was going on, he sits up straight too quickly and grabs his side. Then hearing familiar voices, he's sure he knows what happened. "Trooper!" He lets out a shrill whistle.

Trooper immediately relaxes and moves off of Kyle to trot into the infirmary.

Kyle stares up at the ceiling, breathless. "Well...that was...intense."

Phil leans back against the wall, his own face pale. "Kyle, you idiot!"

Camryn shakes her head, trying to get her hands to stop trembling. "What were you thinking?!"

"I was just...I was..." Kyle grunts as he gets up off the floor and brushes of his jeans. "I..."

Jen looks up at him, a disgusted but forgiving look in her eye. "Stop while you're ahead Kyle. I think we can go in now...it's not like Jason doesn't know we're here."


Jason is confused as Trooper comes to him, and he looks up at Katie. "What on earth..." Before he can finish, the gang shows up in the doorway. At first, he furrows his brow, still confused, but after a moment, he realizes what's going on, and his eyes light up. "Oh, you guys..."

Jen giggles. "Hey, Hotshot."

"Yo, Jase man!" Kyle gives him a salute. "Thanks for calling off the dog."

Jason smirks at him. "That'll teach you to trespass."

"Um, yes...yes, I think it will."

Phil shoves a guitar into him. "Go put this down."

Jason is still surprised. "You brought guitars too?"

"Well this WAS supposed to be a jam session, slash, eat out, so of course!" Mike grins and points to Katie. "Her idea."

Jason looks up at Katie again, a smile playing at his lips. "You're pretty special, you know that?"

"That she is." Scott leans in the doorway, smiling and enjoying the scene. Not so long ago, he'd wanted to belt Jason, but seeing his reaction to this made him feel good.

Camryn sidles into the room, and spying Jason, her eyes widen, a hand going to her mouth. "Oh, Jason..."

He looks at her with question, then understands. "Ah yes...you've never seen me like this before, have you?" He waves to the others. "Everyone else is so used to it, that I can walk in, bruised and battered, and they're just like 'Hey, Jase, what's up' never even noticing that I'm half dead." He gives Katie a sly sidelong glance to accompany his teasing.

Camryn giggles, but comes closer, reaching out to touch Jason's face. "You poor thing."

"Aww, feeling sorry for me?"

"Just a little maybe."


Camryn quirks an eyebrow at Jason's flirting, a little bit surprised. "Well you're in a better mood than I thought."

"It's called pain killers."

Kyle grins. "Doc got you loaded up, eh?"

"Nope." Jason shakes his head and looks around him. "My pain killers walk on two legs and keep good secrets."

Carson offers Misty a smile and reaches up to take her hand, giving it a kiss. "Yeah. I'll be fine." Pausing a moment, he turns and goes into his room, shutting the door quietly, and listening to make sure that Misty has entered her own room as well.

After taking a glance around the room and out the window, Carson flops down on the bed, his mind full. This day had had so many ups and downs...so many turns...there was so much to think about. He wanted to be happy about seeing Dani, yet he still had to concentrate on taking down Zane. He wanted to concentrate on taking down Zane, yet he still was wondering about his future now. He could very well go to jail for being involved in the fighting ring, not to mention, breaking out of the police station.

Closing his eyes, Carson lies still, not intending on sleeping yet, but within minutes, his breathing has slowed, sleep overtaking him.

But it is not a peaceful sleep. Today has been too much. Today has brought on too many memories, and his mind takes over, engaging on a wild ride through the past, reliving scenes he would rather have forgotten. His family. Their deaths. Murders. His own killings. Everything flew at him at once. Every horrific image staying just long enough to impress it in his mind.

His own scream jolts him from his sleep, his hands shaking, a cold sweat pouring down the side of his face. He didn't know how long he'd been asleep, but it was dark outside now. His heart felt as though it would beat right out of his chest as his pulse raced and he tried to calm himself down, desperate to get his bearings and remove the images from his mind. It had been a long time since he'd experienced a nightmare like that, and it was severe enough to make his eyes sting with tears, making him feel all the more vulnerable.

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