

Danielle sniffs and turns her head to show her teary eyes. She wanted to find comfort in Misty’s words. She seemed nice and sincere. Was she right?

Feeling Carson’s arms around her, she felt like a little girl again after she’d fallen and scraped her knees, or dropped her school books on the play ground. He’d always been there to pick her up, wrap her in a big hug, then get her going again.

Danielle gives Misty a little nod, trying to be brave, with her face still buried against Carson’s chest.

Carson gives Misty a grateful look, still feeling lost, but hoping they could get through this in one piece.

As he and Danielle are left alone, slowly, her sobs begin to subside until she’s just hugging her brother, sniffing and trying to compose herself.

“Hey.” Carson pulls her back a little and uses his hand to wipe the tears off her face. “It’s okay.”

“Is it?” Danielle’s lip quivers again, but she manages not to cry this time. Finally withdrawing, she wipes her own face with her shirt, then just stands for several moments, looking up at Carson. He seemed so much older...almost worn…tired. His eyes showed so much pain…so much that he shouldn’t have had to go through.

Reaching up, Danielle touches Carson’s face, sorrow in her own eyes. Her voice is quiet now. “What happened to you, Carson? Where did the life go?”

Carson looks down, forcing a sorry laugh, and shakes his head. “I guess I just…lost track of myself.”

Danielle almost pities him. “And now?”

“Slowly…slowly…maybe I’m coming back.”

Danielle lowers her gaze, then looks up to him again. “I want to know everything…how it all happened…why it happened…about you…”

Fear shines in Carson’s eyes. “I don’t want you to hate me.”

“I won’t.” Danielle shakes her head. “I don’t care what you’ve done…I see you now…and I believe you. I want to know what’s happened these last ten years…and I want to know why you chose today to come.”

…It’s a long while that passes as brother and sister sit on the beach. Hearts are shared, tears are shed. Fears are revealed, and the future is made foggy.

Danielle rests her head on Carson’s shoulder, looking out at the water. “So there’s a good chance I could die.”

“No,” Carson states flatly. “That’s why I’m here. To keep that from happening.”

“But what if it fails? What if you can’t get Zane? What if he discovers you don’t really have the money?”

“We won’t fail.” Carson’s determination reigns. “I’ve come too far to fail, and I won’t watch you be killed like I watched the rest of my family die.”

Danielle sighs, growing tired, and finally straightens up, brushing a bit of sand off her pants. She glances down a ways to see Misty still sitting and waiting. “So…girlfriend, huh?”

Carson quirks an eyebrow. “Apparently.”

“Apparently?” Danielle gives him a sidelong glances. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Carson shrugs. “Oh…I don’t know.”

“What? You don’t like her or something?”

“Good heavens.” Carson rolls his eyes. “Misty is one of the most important things in my life.”

Danielle gives him a little grin. “So is she more than just a girlfriend?”

Carson can feel the heat on the back of his neck, and isn’t sure why. “Misty is my girlfriend,” he states matter-of-factly. “And we can move on now. What about you?”

Danielle finds herself laughing, and she lets the subject drop. “Me? A relationship? Nah… Not that guys haven’t tried, but…just haven’t found one for me yet I guess.”

Carson gives her a smile. “You got plenty of time.”

“I know.” Danielle nods. “I don’t mind being on my own I guess…does get kind of lonely sometimes.”

“Ever thought about moving?”

Danielle lifts her eyebrows. “Are you implying Nevada?”

Carson shrugs. “Maybe.”

“I don’t know, Carson…let’s just get through this first, okay?”

A while later, Carson and Danielle finally rise and walk slowly to Misty. Danielle kneels next to her, letting a smile shine through. “I guess we haven’t formerly met.” She extends her hand. “I’m Danni Banks.”

Camryn grimaces a little at Katie’s worry. “Yeah, and if he’s in pain, he WILL be a pain.”

Jen can’t help her giggle from the front seat. “I guess we’ll just have to cheer him up then.”

“Jason?” Camryn sighs. “Every once in a while I think I catch a glimpse of the real Jason Stevenson behind those eyes of his… and then the next moment, I can’t for the life of me figure him out. Cheer him up? Good luck.”

Jen rolls her eyes, then looks to Katie. She didn’t want to broach a delicate subject, especially with Camryn around, but she did wonder. “How has he really been, Katie? He’s been pretty distant with the guys the last couple months still.”

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