
For the night

As the group makes their way to the door, Kyle's eyes widen and he slaps a hand over his mouth, following meekly behind the others.

Once inside, they make their way across the floor, with the food, drinks and a couple guitars. Scott looks up from his cubicle as he hears them walking, and gets up, ready to join them. He'd been waiting quietly, just working a bit late, not letting on to Jason why he was really there.

Kyle grins at him and gives a big wave. "Hi, Scott!!" he mouths widely, with a horse whisper.

Phil nudges him with an elbow. "Shh!"

"Well I was just..."

Mike, Jen and Phil all turn to him at once. "SHH!!"

Kyle shrinks back again, throwing Katie a cheesy grin and whispers, "Get ready to bail, they're gonna lock me out, I know it."

As they head down the hall, suddenly a tennis ball flies through the infirmary door, zig-zagging across the floor as it bounces.

Camryn quirks an eyebrow and catches it, looking at the others. Mike nods at Katie, then to the infirmary door. "You go first," he whispers. "He won't be surprised to see you. Then call us in or something."

Jason has already managed to sit up in bed with his legs swung over, just ready to stand up to go retrieve the tennis ball, and wobbles a bit unsteadily, his knee having no strength. Wincing, he mutters under his breath, trying to put weight on his knee despite the severe pain. It was getting harder to block it out...the longer he blocked something from Katie, the more stress it created.
Gritting his teeth, he takes a step toward the door.

Carson gives Misty a sidelong glance as she downs more Advil. "You better get something else in your system, Sass, before you kill yourself on those."

Feeling her pat to his leg, he takes her hand and gives it a little squeeze. "Yeah...I hope so."

Driving out of the city a ways, they stop at a convenient store to grab a few things for a light supper, then find a little motel just as the sun is starting to set.

Getting inside, Carson leads the way to the desk. The man looks up at them and smiles. "One room?"

Carson doesn't hesitate, dropping his accent again. "Two. Next to each other if possible. One night."

The man quirks an eyebrow, but nods, happily signing them in and handing them keys. "Two-twenty-three and two-twenty-four. Checkout time by eleven."

"Thanks." Carson slings an arm around Misty's shoulders and leads her down the hall, finding their rooms. Stopping, Carson turns to look at her. "You be alright?"

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