
Hate to make it two

*Misty enters her room and paces for alittle bit trying to get her mind to calm down. Now that everything was quiet there was time to think. How was everything going to work out in the end. Would she and Carson end up behind bars, would they not even get that far when Zane found out there was no money.

Finally laying down Misty's mind still races. Going back to her Uncle. He had sounded so worryed through his anger Misty feared a bit going home.

Finally Misty exsaustion takes over and she drifts off to sleep. For the most part its dreamless but still not very deep. It was hard to sleep soundly in an atmisfear you wernt use to.

A few hours go as a pearcing scream wakes Misty. She new that voice it was Carson. A wave of fear rushes over her as she jumps out of bed. Not even bothering to put her shoes on she bolts out her door and bursts through Carson's. Seeing him sit up in bed she relaxed alittle but is still worryed the look of terror on his face. Shuting the door again Misty makes her way over to the bed.*

"Carson, what happend? I hurd you scream are you ok?"

*Katie's eyes widen slightly at the commotion out in the other room. Bringing a hand to her head she lets out a sigh. As the others apear in the room and Katie see Kyle a grin forms on her lips. Walking over and giving Kyle a wack on the back of the head.*

"So much for being quiet. If they throw you out, you can still out there alone."

*Katie cant help the smile that played in her eyes. This whole thing amused her. Katie smiles at Jason and than takes her place next to Scott slipping her hand in his and giving it a gentil squeeze. Katie than takes a few steps away from scott and she gets chairs and what not organized for everyone. Looking back up at Jason her eyes meet his for a moment another smile spreads across her face. She dident need to say anything to convay what she was thinking.

As Nate enters TJY he raises an eye brow and smiles at the group. It was nice people came to see Jason. Walking up quietly behind Scott Nate looks over him quiet for a long moment.*

"Yep just another day at TJY. Jason hurt phhh thats nothing new Camryn if he could learn to stay out of trouble."

*Nate cant help but quirk a grin than look down at Scott who was in front of him.

Katie looks up at Nate and shakes her head.*

"You better watch it Nate Trooper already tryed to kill one idiot. We'd hate to make it two."

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