

*Misty cant help the grin the curles on her lips. Served Carson right for smoking but Misty would never say that out right. Leaning aganst the wall Misty slids down next to him.*

"Well at least you will die happy with me, smoking will just give you cancer and you wont dieing happy at all."

*Misty looks down at her hand. Rubbing in her fingers together she feels the grittyness of makeup on them. Turning to look at Carson worry is in Misty's eyes as she leans forwards and tilts his head twords her and runs her finger over the spot again.*

"Are you making a habbit out of wairing makeup now too?"

*Misty leans back aganst the wall leting out a sigh.*

"Whats been going on Carson? You know sooner or later I am going to find out, and if you tell me yourself I might be alittle less upset."

*Misty searchs Carson's eyes, her own reflected more worry than anger.*

*Katie looks up from her work again giving another smile to Jason. Each day would grow alittle easyer. As long as they took the right steps. Everything would be ok again.*

"I'd like that, I am sure Scott would too. I have some stuff for your new place anyways I have been meaning to give you. I'll also make something up a salad or pie or something and bring it with me. Just let me know when and where."

*Charlotte finish off her drink, and orders another one before answering Bret.*

"I'll be staying here for a while. How long I am not sure, but its going to at least be for a few weeks. And if trouble happens to find me, like it always does...I'll probley be staying even longer."

*Charlotte takes another sip of her drink before leaning agast the bar. Scaning the room again she spot a pool table and a smile forms on her her lips as she turns back to Bret. Gazing into his eyes for a momnt Charlotte found herself lost. His boyish good looks making it harder to look away. Streching out her hand she stats and challanges.*

"My name is Charlotte and since we both seem to be doing nothing, how about a game of pool? If you win I'll buy you another drink, if I win, you can well...I dont think I will win so if I do we can think of that after."

*Lockheart exits Reese office heading for the door when she dicieds to stop by Katie's cubicle and chat with her for a few about the wedding.*

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