
Old friends, New faces

*Lockheart smiles as Reese opens the door. His reaction was pleasing knowing he saprised her. She had to addmit to herself as well it was nice to see him again. Lockheart steps inside Reese office.*

"Well I got a call from Bret Parker and he wanted me to be his lawer for the whole Titan Inc mess. My sister is going to help me out on this case. She is my aprentis I guess you could so. So I figured we would come out early and get her settled, before I left for Texas with him."

*Lockheart relizes she is stumbaling over her words and feels silly. Remembering she had the envilope in her hand her hold it out to Reese.*

"I also wanted to give you this. Its stuff that belongs to you guys and I hope it can help you take down the Agency. Its all the information that was given to me from Sam. Names, places, dates everything."

*Lockheart smiles as her eyes absintmindedly search Reese face for the first time. The words of her grandmother floting through her mind.*

*The bell on the bar door chims as Charlotte enters the small bar. Her sister was gone, and she was geting bored siting in the hotal room. Throwing on a comfey par of jeans and green tank top Charlotte exits the hotal. She dident have her car here so she couldent really do much sight seeing. But taking a walk seemed like a good idea and stumbaling across a bar was even better. Nothing like passing the time in a bar drinking.

Slowly Charlotte makes her way over to the bar siting down on one of the stools. Giving a wave to the bartender Charlotte calls her thick hispanic accent showing though.*

"Can I get some rum and coke hold the ice."

*Looking around the small bar Charlotte takes in the sites, sounds, and notes that not many people were there. Her eyes rest on Bret a smile spreading across her lips.*

"Boring day for you to?"

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