

*Misty studys Carson for a long moment taking note to him not looking at her. She had know and been with Carson long enough to pick up on his habbits that she could read without him saying anything. Giving a small sigh Misty pulls her knees up to her chest and rests both her arms over her legs.*

"There's more to it than that Carson. I've known you to long to not have picked up on the small clues. Like when your streching the truth and there is something your leaving out, you never look me in the eye."

*Misty stays leaning aganst the wall but turns her head to look at Carson. What was is about him, anyone alse she would of left a long time ago without a second thought but Carson she couldent seem to say goodbye to. She wanted to help him, and she wanted to be there for him.*

"So, if there anything alse your leaving out that maybe you should tell me? I want to be able to help you, and whatever it is we can work through it thats what having a relationship is about. Working through the bumps."

*Lockheart turns and smiles at Reese.*

"Yeah I though I'd talk with Katie a bit since I havent had a chanse in a while. Find out what I am geting myself into going to this Rosetta owns. I've hurd so much about it, I guess I wanted to hear more from the source."

*Lockheart is taken aback for a moment at Reese offer for dinner. Not sure what to say at first.*

"Well...I...mean I should be....geting...ready for tomarrow and everything..and I...mean Charlotte...she...I mean...."

*Lockheart knows and can hear how stupid she probley sounds stumbaling over her words, not being able to make sence of them. Lockheart gives a glance at Katie wondering if her young friend would give her some help.

Katie just stairs back at Lockheart trying her best not to laugh. As Lockheart look to her Katie gives alittle nods and mouths "yas yes." widening her eyes alittle bit giving empisis.

Lockheart rollls her eyes but finally gives in turning back to Reese. Feeling the color showing in her cheeks.*

"Yes..I'll go with you tonight. I'm staying at the Hokal Inn. You can pick me up there if you like."

*Lockheart feels so silly and brings a hand to her head leting out a frustrated sigh knowing she sounded silly. Turn Lockheart makes her way to the elavator and disapears.

Katie stands and pats Reese arm after Lockheart it gone.*

"Its not you Reese, she just....not use to this stuff. She'll come around."

*Katie leaves her cubicle and heads to the copy room. No one had to tell her Reese was intrested in Lockheart she could just tell.*

*Charlotte cant help but smile more as she walks behind Bret to the pool table. Grabing a pool stix she quirks and eyebrow as Bret bows.*

"Dont flatter yourself to much there."

*Leting out a laugh and taking another sip of her drink Charlotte positions herself on the opisite side of the table. Leaning over alittle bit and puting the stick between her two fingers she takes am and hits the cu ball dead on. Sending it to the other end smaking into the other balls that were set up sending them flying in all differnt directions. One solid ball is sunk into the left courner pocket and a striped one follows. Looking up at Bret Charlotte nods.*

"Ok, I'll be solid."

*Moving to the side Charlotte studys the table and positions herself once again.*

"Solid, right courner pocket."

*Taking am and smacking the ball again It enters the pocket only to have been hit with to much force and pops out again.*

"Well thats stupid. I guess its your turn Bret. Dont get distracted now."

*Taking another sip of her drink she sits waiting for Bret to shoot. Studing his movments, watching his face, his eyes, the ways he moved.*

"So, did I find you wallowing today? or do you normaly come to this bar alone in the middle of the day?"

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