

Jason is immediately on alert as he receives Nate's call. Pushing aside personal feelings for a moment, he shifts into work mode. "I'm on it." Hanging up, he swings his legs down off his couch and dials several other people. Phil. Rick. Misty.

"Misty, it's Jase. Nate just called. Kyle's been roughed up and he's at the hospital. I'm on my way there with a few others."

Carson hesitates at Nate's beckoning to go with him. Weighing his options, he finally gives in. He wasn't used to interaction with this group anymore, but he did know who had done this to Kyle, and if he could help, at least it gave him something to do other than get into trouble. "Alright." He follows Nate out to his car and slips into the passenger side.

Kyle fights off the hands of a nurse, in pain and confused. Where was he, and what was going on? He opens his mouth, but no sound wants to come out, and the effort hurts. It brought back the reminder that he shouldn't be trying that.

He felt himself being moved somewhere...wheeled into a room. A shot to his arm makes him wince. But almost immediately, the throbbing subsides to a dull ache...a numbness. A stranger starts cleaning up his head, and something finally gets through to his mind that he was getting help.

Carson and Nate get to the hospital within minutes and quickly inquire about Kyle. There's a bit of confusion, but finally a doctor comes who seems to know what's going on. "The patient is doing fine, and he'll be in a room shortly so you can see him."

Carson breathes a sigh of relief. "How bad was it?"

"He got a nice bump to the back of his head, but a slight concussion was all he suffered there. Cuts and bruises on his face are nothing to worry about. The only concern I have is his...."

"Dr. Teller, please see Room three thirty. Dr. Teller..."

The doctor hears his name and gets cut off. "I'm sorry, excuse me."

"But..." Carson rolls his eyes and looks with annoyance to Nate. "Well, that was a lot of help. Let's go see if we can find him."

The light is soft and dim and Kyle tries to make sense of his new surroundings. His throat hurt. His head hurt. His face hurt. His right hand hurt. His stomach hurt. A picture flashes in his mind and he begins to piece together what had happened. But how did he get here? And what about...Misty... He groans inwardly. His date...now what. He didn't even know what time it was.

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