
Miss me?

Reese's face reddens slightly, and he clears his throat. "Um, yeah, the office is ready. It might need a bit of cleaning. Hal and Ty hadn't gotten that far yet. But we can get that taken care of right quick, so if you want to start moving things in, that's great. I'll help you if you want."

Bret smirks at Charlotte and rolls his eyes as she walks away. He was tempted just to see how far she'd go, but decides that he can let her win this once.

Sliding off his own stool, he reaches out to take her hand and turn her back around. "What kind of a friend would let me sit here and wallow without doing something about it, hmm?" He grins a little, his hand tightening around hers as he looks her in the eye.

Bret's voice lowers to a quiet tone. "Hi, Charlotte." Drawing her close until she's up against his chest, he tilts her face up with a finger under her chin. "Don't be so mean to me." Leaning in, he presses his lips to hers, the same feeling rushing over him that her kiss had delivered the first time.

Drawing back, his grin still plays with the corner of his mouth. "Ya miss me?"

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