

*Angelica can't help the small smile that cross her face. Giving Reese a hug was good, but receiving one back was better. Angelica gives a nod to Wyatt as he walks past his dad harassing him. In a way she thought it was cute.*

"Oh, my week was eventful. But I got alot of stuff done that I wanted to before I left. Now I'm here and I am ready to stay a new chapter in my life. I am scared to death but excited at the same time."

*Angelica gives Mike's hand a playful squeeze something she dident often do.*

"And I have you to thank for that."

*Gives a small smile and as if relizing what she was saying her cheeks turn a slight shade of red and as trys to compose herself again.*

"Well I have my stuff in my car, if the office is ready and if its ok with you I can start moving the boxes in at least so while I go to find an apartment I dont have to drive around in a car cramed with boxs."

*Charlotte keeps grinning her eyes locked on Bret's. She couldent help but feel a serge of energy through her. Things had changed fast but Charlotte dident mind change. But looking into the depths of Bret's eyes made Charlotte stop and actully think, reavaluating her life almost to consider that maybe there were a few things miss that she never had with her old boyfriend and being around Bret seemed to fill the hole.

Starting out some where new would be nice. Finding someone she truly enjoyed spending her time and treated her good with was even nicer.

Leaning a bit closer to Bret Charlotte's eyes danced there pearcing gaze seemed to know what kind of welcomed he wanted and flickeredas if saying it was ok.*

"I'm pretty sure it would be ok to bypass chanse one more time. I certinly dont mind anyways."

*Charlotte takes another sip of her drink and than sets it back down.*

"But I mean if you mind I can just leave that way you can get back to your wallowing."

*Charlotte slids off the barstool the courners of her mouth still curled into a grin. Steping away Charlotte runs her fingers over Bret's hand and slightly up his arm before breaking away and slowly moving backwards to the door.*

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