
Do I have to...

Reese smiles as he listens to Angelica, not caring what she was saying so much as just hearing her voice. He couldn't help it that he liked it.

As she steps forward to give him a hug, at first he's a little surprised and hesitant, but quickly recovers to give his own hug, his strong arms giving her a little squeeze. "It's good to see you too." Withdrawing, he looks her in the eye. "Real good..."

"Yo, Dad, I need you to get on the ball with getting that stuff from Brown." Wyatt swats his arm as he walks past.

Reese rolls his eyes at the interruption. "Alright already. Give an old man a break."

Wyatt grins and keeps walking, throwing a wave to Angelica. "Welcome."

Reese gives a little sigh, setting his hands on his hips, trying to resume his conversation with Angelica. "Well...I'm doing alright. Had a bit of excitement around here lately - more than I care for, but I guess it comes with the territory." He searches her eyes for a moment. "What about you?"

Bret cocks his head at Charlotte, finding this information quite interesting. "So...permanently in the area, huh?" He raises his eyebrow and sways his head a little as if that's not an unpleasant prospect.

Turning to take another swig of beer, he swallows then stops, unable to help the smile that finally spreads across his face, and the short laugh that comes out. Looking at the neon sign behind the counter, he just shakes his head. "I guess it's the end of my wallowing days then eh?"

Finally turning around to look Charlotte in the eye, his gaze is soft...welcoming...almost as if relieved, like a load from his back was suddenly gone. "So do I have to flip a coin to see if I can greet you properly, or would you care if I just bypassed chance on that one?"

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