
Computer Company

*After Carson heads back up the steps Nate turns to Reese and gives a nod not saying anymore words on that matter. What was said what said, and done was done.

Nate moves back into the room where Aeriths grandmother was. Grabing a blanket he throws it over top of her.*

"It apears Aerith's grandmother passed on a few days ago at least. From the looks of it, it was naturil cause, but if Frankie was here how he dident know or smell he is beyond me."

*Nate looks to Wyatt for a moment for conframation in what he said next.*

"My guess would be Aerith hasent been by here since she new Frankie was maybe staying here. She probley dident want to run into him and have any problems. Not to mention from what you told me Wyatt she wasent very nice to Aerith anyways."

*Nate looks away and shakes his head moving out into the hallway.*

"I called for someone to come and remove her body. Someone is still going to need to call the family, and I though maybe Wyatt since Aerith is your girl you could break the news to her."

*Nate lets out a sigh and looks around the hallway.*

"All we were doing now was trying to find so....."

*Nate stops in mid-sentince as Carson bounds back down the stairs and holds out the paper to him. Stairing at it for a long moment he finally points to the faint symbol at the top of the paper.*

"I think thats the symbol from the computer parts company we get out parts from. They are stationed in New York though. If we can get to a computer we can do a search to see if there was any of there plants here now that arnt anymore. Unless do you think Scott would know? Here on the address I can make out a 896 but thats about it."

*Nate continues to look at the paper mumbaling to himself trying to figure out what the rest of it says.*

*Katie sits leaning aganst Scott as the movie credits start to roll and Domino lifts her head from Katie's lap. Giving a pat to the small dogs head Katie leans her own back And lays across Scott's lap to look up at him.*

"Well that was an intresting movie. I do have to say I never saw it before. What made the movie even better though was having you sit behind me."

*Kaite leans up and press her lips to Scott's letting it linger for a long while. Yesterday she had though she was going to lose Scott, and now today he was with her again, and soon it would be forever.*

*Misty looks up at Morgan she was growing weaker now and trying to just keep herself coharent to what was going on around her.*

"You wish!"

*As Misty is hoisted to her feet and put back in the courner feeling Morgan run a hand on her arm she cringes. She wanted to jerk her arms away but she new if she did, she would only hurt herself more.*

"People change. Carson isent the same man you once new."

*Frankie comes over to Morgan and Misty shaking his head.*

"Still talking about all this change stuff huh? I think you've done enough talking."

*Bending out He ties a white peace of meterial around her mouth so she could talk anymore than he gives her a small shove aganst the wall. Bending down in front of her.*

"Sorry Sis, no one is coming for you and tomarrow morning we will be long gone. Morgan if you going to ryle up Carson I would sugest doing it soon."

*Frankie stands and goes back to the table pulling out some papers and looking them over.*

*As Misty sits aganst the wall she catches Morgan's eys for a moment, the pain evadent in her own. Though she dident want to die the tought dident scaire her but the though of dieing in so much pain did. Was this really her end? Her mind and the pain taunted her telling her it was but Misty tryed to remain storng. Keeping the hope people were looking for her. Hoping Carson had figured something out and Reese was hunting just as hard.*

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