
I didn't

For a split second, Caron freezes, his eyes widening. But just as quickly, his gaze narrows, a grin forming. "I didn't break in," he answers slyly. "I found a key."

Thinking for just a moment, Carson lets go of his spatula, quickly bringing his hand up to wrap around Misty's arm, gaining safe distance from the knife. In the same move, he whirls around to take her free wrist, his gaze clashing with her own as he backs her up against the wall.

Wrapping his arms around Misty, he brings himself roughly to her, unafraid of the knife. He hadn't talked to her at all the day before, but that didn't mean his mind hadn't been thinking. He'd done a lot of soul-searching and a lot of praying. And Axel had been right about him.
"Tamed, the warrior never would be," he whispers. "Forever the fire would burn within. An army retreated, a battle surrendered - but neither would kill the flame. For when he looked into the eyes of the conqueror, he could not lay down his will. The war had ended, only to rise again, an intense battle surging across the land. Lines were drawn and swords clashed. Thunder rolled amidst the fire that blazed within the souls."

Moving closer, his eyes close as he brings his lips to hers, letting the exchange continue, his hands holding her close. Only the sizzling at the stove reminds him that he has other things to think about.

He withdraws from her, only to return for another lighter kiss before pulling away completely. He doesn't let her go though, putting her into a side headlock with a strong arm, to drag her to the stove with him. "Most people wait for desert until after the meal," he muses. "I like getting mine first."

Stirring the eggs around, he pauses again. "Never know when you might not make it through a meal." He leans down for another kiss and his eyes find Misty's, glowing with a flame reignited. "I gotta get in all I can while I'm still alive."

Turning to the food again, he still keeps her in his grasp. Going for a sliced green pepper on the counter, he pops a long piece halfway in his mouth. Cocking his head he twists to offer the other half, letting Misty bite it off.

Grinning, he finishes chewing his half and finally releases her so he can work with both hands as the food starts to get done. "You realize there was a benefit to all this," he states matter-of-factly. He gives Misty a sly sidelong glance. "Since I had to work at Mom and Pop's, I learned to cook some pretty mean food. Now you have me and my cooking." His eyes narrow slightly, a smile being withheld. "Think you can handle that?"

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