

*Nate sits in the chair office listing to Carson's demands.*

"Yeah, I got it."

*Once Carson hangs up Nate is silent for a long while deep in through. His elbow rests in his hand as the other is on his chin.

He'd gotten to know Carson pretty well over the time he's been here. He'd seen the change that took place, He's seen the good and the bad with Carson since he first got here. Now listing to Carson's voice on the phone it was differnt. There was a strain of urgency and the coldness rang through proving they were in trouble but just by the single way he said Misty's name there was almost like a tint of softness that not the normal persob would pick up on. No Nate new Carson wouldent hurt her. Standing he makes his way for the door than stops turning back to Reese.*

"I think its best if we follow his instructions for now. Carson is smart, and weather he really would hurt Misty or not he has her brains too. They with both know if something is up. I'd rather not take that risk. If anything happens you know where I am. I'd rather go alone first than risk anyones life. I better get going if I am going to make it there in time. I'll call you when I can."

*Nate heads out of the office paper in hand of where to go. Walking part Laura's desk he stops and smiles.*

"I just wanted to let you know I have to cancle dinner tonight Laura. I'm sorry..."

*Nate looks at the paper than back at Laura and gives it alittle wave.*

"I'm going to Cali for some exciting work."

*Nate rolls his eyes but cant help the grin that forms.*

"I'll make it up to you when I get back. I promise.*

*Nate gives Laura a kiss on the forhead and a tight hug before making his way out of TJY again.*

*Misty walks with Carson keeping quiet her arm around his wast. She couldent help but chuckle alittle as he talked to Reese. Though inside she did feel a little bit bad. Her Uncle was probley worryed as was about her and now this was added on top. But this had to be done. What they were doing maybe wasent right, and maybe they went about it the wrong way but whats done was done and now that only thing that mattered was geting Zane and keeping Dani safe.

Misty ears perk as Carson empasis surgary. Jason was in sergary again? Misty could only hope her friend would be ok. She had seen the damage to the knee and new it was bad, but they had hoped the pins would work and fix the problem. Obvesily it dident and not Misty could only wonder and hope Jason would be ok.

Geting her mind back on the task at hand she trys to run some stuff through in her head. She diden't know Nate to well, but from what she saw he could be trusted. Right now though she wasent even sure of that. Her and Carson were as her Uncle said on the "wrong" side of the law right now. Still keeping her arm around Carson she lets out a small sigh.*

"Nate seems like an ok guy than can be trusted, but to be safe I think we should feel him out first. Than before this all goes down tell him the truth. That way he can have a level head going into this and so can we not worryed about what if he trys to do something stupid."

*Kaite returns Scott's kiss soking in his words, his touch they were so gentil. Wraping her arms around him Katie nuzzles her face into Scott's chest.*

"Its my whole sixth sence thing Scotty. Its evolved far more than what it was before. Its goten to the point that..."

*Katie lets out a sigh this was so hard for her to explain she only hoped Scott could understand. Katie's face remains burred into his chest.*
"...I cant not feel any time his emotions go haywire...anytime the spike, bad....or good. Jason had been learned to shut off his feelings without totelly suhting down like he did in prison..."

*Katie continues to talk to Scott trying to explain things the best she could. Going from on detail to the next. Scott had a right to know. He was apart of her life, and she was apart of his. Her pain was and and vice versa it was his right to know.*

"....and than to conclude the wonderful day, I went back in the infermary to get my keys and hurd Jason say some unplesent things. He dident mean to hurt me he was upset, but his words still cut like a knife. I just, I want to know why I have this ability, what does this have to do with God's plane. I just wish I new. This is something that will probley never go away, and slowly we are learning how to controll it so we can have our sepret lifes. Its just till than its so hard."

*Kaite removes her head from be burryed and looks up at Scott trying to search his eyes to find the answers to what he was thinking. She dident even know how Scott would take all this information. She only hopes it would scair him or make him turn away from her. Bring a hand to his face she continues to talk.*

"I guess on top of all that, I'm scaired to death that your leaving. I'm going to miss you so much. I know this is great for you and I am so happy, I'm just being selfish to I guess. I'm just gonna miss you so darn much Scotty."

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