

Trent's gratefulness is evident in his eyes as Rosetta speaks. He could have been kicked out the minute he'd come and he knew it. But his sister was choosing to accept him back into the fold if he was deemed worthy.

"I...thank you," he replies meekly. He doesn't know what else he can say... There were details to his life since getting out of prison, but nothing of great consequence.... nothing that would affect anything or anyone here. And he truly wasn't sure why he'd decided to come... Maybe what he'd told Angel was true...maybe it was simply that his conscience had finally had enough and he couldn't stand living from the past anymore.

Trent offers a weak smile to his sister. "The only craving I have is to right what wrongs I've done...and I think that's about impossible."

At Rosetta's cue for people to take the moment to agree or disagree with her offer to Trent, he looks around at the others, giving his statement to everyone. "I know this doesn't make up for a single thing...nothing I could ever do or say can. But...I'm sorry. I was wrong...and if there ever was a man who wanted to go back and stop himself from the stupid things he's done, it's me."

His eyes glance towards Angel. "If ever there was a man ashamed of his actions...ashamed of letting down the ones he loved...it's me."

Sparky takes a deep breath, glancing at the others. With Mick gone again, he'd automatically stepped up to the plate once more, taking the lead alongside Wes and Austin. "It's alright with me if you stay, Trent. We're sitting dead in the water right now as far as Mick is concerned, but any additional team members can only help. Rosetta's right...you will be watched like a hawk...but I think you understand that."

"I do."

Jim nods his approval along with Austin and Jeff. Austin speaks. "I won't begrudge a man the same thing I was given...and that was a new chance."

As the agreement is made that Trent will be allowed to stay for now, Clint decides to make his exit, leaving the previous generation to talk.

Sitting back down a the table, Trent looks to his sister once more. "My life hasn't been worth talking about, but...I don't mind if you have questions."

Luke opens his eyes again. The bunk felt hot...it was early afternoon. He was still in bed...he should be out working... He should be out and getting things done... It was ridiculous that he was still in bed...he hadn't stayed inside this late before unless he'd been sick.

Pulling himself up into a sitting position, he manages to get his legs swung over the side of the bed. Looking up, he sees his own reflection in the mirror. He sighs deeply. Years ago after his accident, he'd been in a wheelchair for months until he'd healed enough to be able to walk again. Then it hadn't been so bad...he'd had his bad days when he'd used his braces, but he'd been able to function...able to live a normal life. But as the years progressed, it was getting harder. He feared there progressive nerve deterioration which would leave him in this state permanently. He didn't want to be confined to a wheelchair again. He knew what it felt like. He was just starting to really live...he was getting married...he was starting a new life...how could he do all that, while taking this step backward at the same time?

Forcing himself up, he uses the furniture in the bunk to help himself get around and get dressed. Strapping his braces in place over his jeans, he grits his teeth against the pain and takes his cane. The steps off the porch were the worst, but Luke finally makes it to level ground, and aims for the barn at a slow pace, leaning heavily on his cane lest his legs buckle.

Jason runs his finger through the wet ring his glass made on the table, just trying to keep his mind focused on one thing. It wasn't an easy task.

"You want to go against Reese, or Carter for that matter, feel free. I've gotten myself in enough trouble doing that. I don't see how we can act much until we see if those pardons go through. If they don't, we're all sunk anyway, so who cares what we do now? If they go through, then we'll have the law to back us up for once." He shrugs. "The Agency wouldn't have gone to the effort of kidnapping Mick if all they planned to do was kill him. They would have just sent an assassin in. But what they want - that's the question."

He rubs a hand over his face, his tiredness coming through. "Let's say they took him because he was the ring leader... Why? What do they care?"

Jason stops and polishes off his orange juice. His eyes drift around the room again, showing that he's struggling to stay focused. He'd started out focused, but he was losing it quickly.

Scott lifts his eyebrows at Katie's comment of not seeing him often without a shirt. He quirks a grin. "Is that something you would normally say? I guess you could switch places with Misty and check my stitches, though I'm not convinced that would be much of an enjoyable task except for me, 'cause just having you around is enjoyable, and by all means having you...."

He frowns as his train of thought is suddenly lost. "Hmmm...." Instead of trying to gain back whatever it was he was going to say, he listens to Katie for a moment about Jason. "Oh...that's why you look like you do. I guess I shoulda know that...but I don't think I'm thinking very well right now, what do you think...or not think...or...something.... At any rate, I think you're right...am I being loopy? I don't feel loopy... or maybe I do...is that what this is called?"

Katie's remark about him being hot causes another silly grin. "Oooh, the truth comes out!" A laugh escapes. "Misty didn't give you any of that...that stuff she gave me, did she? 'Cause something tells me that you wouldn't normally go saying something like that especially in front of me, to whom you were referring...to...me... 'cause that's just not the way you'd talk to a nerd like me anyhow, 'cause I'm far from hot, know what I'm saying?"

He lets his head flop to the side where he can see Domino. "'Cept my dog loves me, so what more can a guy ask for? If he's destined to spend his life on earth as a loner, at least he's got a dog...did you know they call dogs man's best friend?"

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