
Did I just...

*Angel lets out a small sigh as Sparky breaks the silence. Slowly making her way to the table she sits at the far end. Her eyes never move from Trent as he talks. She studys his movments, his eyes trying to seek the truth.

Rosetta listens to Trent. Compation filling her heart for her brother. No matter how much he had hurt them, he was still her brother and she loved him.*

"If everyone alse will be ok with it, I'd like to have you stay around Trent. You will be watched like a hawk till we know we can trust you, but I'd like you to stay and be able to see your sister get married when we get Mick back."

*Rosetta looks around at everyone in the mess room. She wanted to make sure evenyone agreed. This was there home now too and she couldent make desitions without them.*

"As for beging for food. There is no need. Your my brother and you needent need to beg for anything. I will gladly shair my food for with you. What is it your craving for dinner?"

*Nate takes in everything Jason says about the Agency and Mick. About spliting everyone up.*

"Well we know what Reese and Austin think, but what about you? Do you think we should sit back and wait? or try and find Mick ourselfs? Surly they wouldent kill him if they want information or are waiting for us to make a move, but do we really want to take that chanse. I certinly dont. I have been keeping in contact with Austin the last few months and things had seemed to be going so smooth. I'm Just stuck at a rock and a hard place."

*Nate sighs and leans back in his chair taking a sip of his coffee just letting his mind wonder for a moment.*

"I cant sit by and let the Agency do goodness knows what to Mick, yet I dont want to cause to much trouble with the court date coming up. I dont want to put anymore strain on Lockheart than there needs to be. There has to be a suddle way of doing this but how!?!"

Be the kind of person you would like to be with. Some people come into our lives, making footprints on our hearts to last forever. If you are kind to them they will be good ones to remember.

*Katie cant help but giggle alittle at Scott.*

"You do know you dont need battle scars to be in the ranks with the others right? I think with everything you know how to do your already there. Though I do have to addmit, scars are kind of hott. Not that I see you much without a shirt off..."

*Katie stops for a moment not sure what she herself just said but feeling insanly embarssed.*

"...or something like that."

Girls blush, sometimes, because they are alive, half wishing they were dead to save the shame. The sudden blush devours them, neck and brow; they have drawn too near the fire of life and feel how silly they sound.

*Katie cant help but laugh again as Scott talks about her being hot. He certinly was being a goofball for sure but Katie dident mind. She needed a destraction. He mind needed to get away from Jason for the moment and what had happend. Her heart was so heavy she need the laugh to help her get through the rest of the day and this was defintly working. Scott was the light that helped Katie when she was down.

Like Jen had said God gives us people for a reason even if it was small.

Giving a smile as she looks down at Domino and throws a nod at Scott.*

"I think he is totally off his rocker."

*Domino wiggles her whole body with excitment at Katie's feet. Picking Domino up Katie looks back to Scott. trying to get passed her embarssment.. It wasent every people called her hot.*

"I think someone is jealouse you called me hot and not her."

*For a moment Katie is quiet, than slowly puts Domino down drawing closer to Scott's side.*

"Yeah, I'm ok. Or I will be anyways I think. Just some stuff happend with Jason today and its just really hard. Its taking its toll on me. When your alittle less loopy we can talk more about it."

*Katie throws Scott a half of a smile to let im know she would be ok sooner or later. Katie smile turns into a mischevus grin for a moment trying to stop her mind from wondering into the darkness of depresstion again where the tears romed*

"By the way Scotty, your pretty hot yourself and if you embaressed yourself than I just did too."

*Katies go wide for a moment as if in shock.*

"Did I really just say that?"

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