
The Man for me

*Wes looks at Trent saspition still in his voice. He dident know Trent and how he use to be as well as the others. He only new most of the bad a a sliver of the good. Shaking his head he stands.*

"I better get back to Cindy at the house. She hasent been feeling too good. Clint if you can help me with that coutch later that would be cool. I have a few other things I could get help with too."

*Before exiting Wes heart softens a bit. Looking back to Trent.*

"It was good to see you alive Trent. If you want to keep busy too and help later you can."

*Wes exits and starts down the long path he walked this morning to the ranch see as it was so nice out. As he pass by one of the fields Wes smiles as he watching BJ and Wendy brushing his poney. It was nice to see some peace left for a few, and Wes new his peace and happyness was waiting at home for him. That in itself braught comfort and contenment to the caos around him.*

*Katie cant help but let out another laugh as she gives Scott hand a pat.*

"Ya I think I will leave that up to Rick let me go get him."

*As KAtie heads for the door she looks down at Domino.*

"Make sure he dosent go anywhere ok?"

*Making her way to Rick's office Katie cant help but hold her smile. She was still upset and sad. Her heart was still breaking but Scott had defintly helped lighten it alittle bit. Entering the office Katie stuffs her hands in her pockets.*

"ummm...Rick? Scott needs help using the little boys room and in his loopyness we decieded that it was best if you helped him while I went and did some work. So he is all yours."

*Katie nods to the next room than slowly exits take short strides to her cubicle. Work would help she hoped keep her mind off stuff for now.*

*Angel stops with Luke easing him down onto a bench outside the barn to rest for a moment.*

"Rosetta is happy to see her brother alive, but is being leery like everyone alse. Trent has clamed to be on ourside before only to backstabe us. So they are just taking it slow."

*Angel is quiet for a moment. There was no doubt that Luke would be ok, and that he trusted Angel but the memories had to be there anyways.*

"Ya I saw him alittle while ago. He's aged and has a weary look about him. But he still looks like the same old Trent."

*Taking Luke's hand in hers smiles look at him.*

"When I saw him I wanted to give him a hug as a friendship I am glad your alive, but I dident. I hesatated not knowing if he was on ourside as well. Luke, when I saw Trent I felt nothing more than a sarrow and maybe a friendship that could be rebuilt. I know I dont need to tell you this but I love you and nothing is going to change that. I'm marrieing you and its going to be wonderful. Your the only man for me."

*Angel takes her hand and runs it through Lukes hair. Love in her eyes and sensarity in her voice.*

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