

* Lockheart eyes Jason a smile crossing her lips.*

"I'm not asking you to lie Mr. Steve....Jason. This isent impossable. Give me a few day to peace a story together and I will throw it by you. Its amazing how you can twist words but not lie. I dont lie in my cases. I dident become this good by lieing nor would I ask anyone alse to lie."

*Lockheart closes her brefcase and just looks across the table at Jason.*

"Nothing is impossable Jason as long as you believe. Dont give up and its gonna work out. I maybe your lawyer but I am your friend now too. I can lend you an ear if you need it. Dont keep everything bottled up. Need you clear headed through this all ok?"

*Misty trys to laugh at Carson's comment but it comes out as more of a dry cackle.*

"Ok, for you I'll go to see Rick."

*Misty walks down the hall with Carson leaning on him a bit. Finally making it to the infermary Misty makes her way over to the bed and hopes up laying her head down on the pillow. In a shallow horse voice Misty whispers.*

"I'm ok...I just need to reast. I am geting a cold or something thats all. Nothing magor."

*Misty's eyes flutter than drift shut, only to open again and try to focuse at everything around the room.*

*Katie nods and smiles at Kyle.*

"Your right. Thank you. I just have to try and keep my head up. Just seeing Jason in there today and than having to leave him. It was so hard Kyle. I just had to get away."

*Katie lets out a sigh as she stops walking and stands facing the water the sun warming her face.*

"Hows Jen doing? I couldent help things have been tence with you guys. Is everything ok?"

*Katie's face searches Kyles.*

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