
Thank you

*Lockheart sits and listens to Jason for a long while. Going over everything in his mind. This was deeper than she though and she wasent so sure this time how it would end. But she couldent give up she had promised Katie and Jason both she would do all she could and thats what she still intended on doing.*

"So when they day came that you were in the woods with Katie you wernt feeling well correct? Someone pulled a gun on her, it could of been anyone, again noting you were sick. So in shooting Black you were protecting Katie she had already been shot in the arm and probley would of been dead if you haden shot back."

*Lokcheart mind forms an answer, a story, twisting words so they arnt lies but they implay something differnt. Looking down at some paper she jots a few notes.*

"If we have to I'd like to use Katie as a witness. I know you probley dont want that, but she already said she would and it will help the case a great deal. I at least need to have someone who can go up there and I think Katie would be the best canadate."

*Lockheart plays Jason words his story in his mind. Coming across something that was thought unimportant but was.*

"This other agent there, the unimportant one? You said she is dead now, did she die that day or was she a witness to what happend? If she just left whoever there to die than we might be able to play that to our advantage."

*Lockheart sits back in her chair and thinks for a long moment. Contenplating the best action to take in this case.*

*As Misty moves her standwitch awy from her she stands the blood rushing to her head at once causing her to get dizzy again as she tummy tightens. She can feel the heat in her face rising.*

"I just...I just need to lay down for a bit. I should be ok. Just geting a flu or something."

*Standing again Misty uses the table and some chairs to steddy her. Making her way slowly from the breakroom as the pressure in her head increases.*

*Katie slowly turns and looks at Kyle.*

"I'm just so scaired. Seeing Jason behind those bars He dosent belong there. He shot and killed that man trying to protect me. If he hadent I probley would be the one dead."

*Katie trys to controll her emotions as much as she can.*

"I'm trying to be strong I am, and I know God will take care of everything but I'm still scaired. What if Jason dosent get out? What if I'll never be able to hold him in my arms again. I feel so helpless. I dont even know where to start trying to help. Jason is the world to me and it hurts so much. Its just not fair Kyle. Everything was going so well."

*Katie lets out a sigh as she starts to walk along the waters edge again remembering her first time here with Jetstream, than remembering when her and Jason came here. Those were the godo days.*

"Thank you Kyle, for coming and just being here."

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