

*Rosetta wakes again after finally falling back to sleep. Geting up she slowly heads into the shower after stand in the water for a long while Rosetta gets out and gets dressed. Leting out a long sigh she heads out to the mess hall to get some coffee. Katie was now gone. It had only been a few hours but for some reson it felt alittle bit emptyer at the ranch*

*Wendy sits at the mess hall table drinking her coffee and reading the news paper wait for Clint to come in. The last time they went riding it has been a desaster, but maybe she could get him to go again on one of the better trails.*

*Looking around again Katie see the man with the sign. Walking over to him she looks up seeing her name miss spelled she smiles at the man.* " Hi, I'm Katie. You must be who Reese send to pick me up. I've got all my stuff and am ready to go when you are."

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