

*Wes nods* "Ok. I'll be up to the mess hall in a bit. Have fun." *Wes gives a silly grin. As Cindy leaves Wes goes back under the call stoping to think for a moment. Rosetta had stoped Cindy from leaving. Things hadent worked out for them but he was happy they still could be friends. Wes smiles and gets back to work.*

*Katies voice changed to a smiled one as well and she nods her head even though Reese cant see her.* "I'm going to see if my Aunt will let me barrow one of her extra cars so when I am out there I will have one. But if she says no I'll let you know. Thx a bunch again Reese. Talk with you soon." *Katie hangs up her phone and enters her bunk house. Taking out a large sutecase she starts to throw her clothing into it. As the day pass Katie spends alot of time in her bunk geting things ready. She dosent have much to take with her. One sutecase full of clothing, the other has odds and ends. She cant take everything so she knows when she gets there she will have to buy some new stuff. Looking around the room to make sure she has remembered everything important she keeps her bags by the door than exits to find her Aunt. As Katie pass Jason's bunk. Her head hurts at the thought of leaving him. Would he be ok? Would they become friends again? all these questions where unanswered but Katie new this was something she had to do. She had to find her place.*

*Rosetta wonders around with Mick inside the barn as they fix something up and do odd and ends here and there. It was nice to be working on the ranch again with him. It had been to long. Hearing a noise Rosetta looks up seeing Katie enter the barn.* "Hey Katie whats up?"

*Kaite nervouse walks twords her Aunt. Is isent to sure how she is going to react to this news but hopes it will go ok.* "Aunt Rosetta I have something I need to tell you and I need to ask for your blessing before I go."

*Rosetta looks at Katie a bit saprised. She can sence a bit of sadness. Rosetta looks to Mick and than back to Katie.* " Is it ok if Mick is here?"

*Katie nods* "Yes thats fine." *Katie stops for a moment to regain her thoughts.* "I'm going to be leaving the ranch again. I'm going to be going back to TJY."

*Rosetta gets a look of shock on her face. Katie wanted to leave again, why.* "Why Katie? Following someone where ever they go is not a good thing Katie. I just dont undersand."

Katie: "Aunt, I will be going alone Jason wont be coming along. And You dont have to worry about me being in danger. For now all I will be doing is paper work. I haveto do this Aunt Rosetta. I need to find my place in this world. And right now I dont feel its best to stay here."

*Rosetta searches Katies eyes.* "Somethings happend...."

*Katie cutes her aunt off.* "Please Aunt Rosetta dont ask questions. Its to complacated."

*Rosetta nods and lets out a long sigh.*" Ok...Your old enough to make your own desitions. Be safe ok. How are you geting there?"

Katie: "Well I was going to ask if I could barrow one of the cars. If not I can fly."

*Rosetta thinks for a moment.* "I might not be able to tell you, you cant go, but I can worry and tell you I think it would be best you flew. I dont want you driving all that way yourself."

*Katie nods.* "Ok I understand thank you Aunt Rosetta." *Katie goes over and gives her a hun.*

*Rosetta returns the hug.* "When are you leaving?"

Katie: "I think tomarrow or the day after."

*Rosetta nods.* "Ok."

*Katie turns and leave the barn. Aiming for the mess hall to find Con.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*Sam and BJ stop at a restront after a few hours of driving.* "Are you hungry bud?"

*BJ looks down at his tummy.* "Yes Sham its talking to me."

*Sam smiles at BJ.* "Ok good."

*After eating there meal Sam makes sure BJ uses the bathroom than again they are on the road. After a few more house BJ is fast asleep in the back seat.*

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