

Cindy thinks for a moment, then shakes her head, stammering slightly. “Um, no, I..this is fine. Yes.” She looks down at her feet, her pulse quickening as her face reddens. “I…I just….about last night, I…I thought about what you…what you said about…us…” Cindy licks her dry lips and finally gets up enough nerve to look up at Wes. She can feel the heat on her face and wishes she wasn’t so transparent. “And…and I wanted to tell you that…..” She pauses awkwardly. “Um…” She takes a deep breath. “I like you too, Wes. And I want to try at something…something more too.” She stares into Wes’ eyes, pleading for understanding. “But…for me…please take it slow because I’m scared to death.” Having said it, she gives a little sigh, feeling some relief.

Reese listens to Katie, then speaks, his voice pleasant. “Well, I know that Carter wanted you two on a team, but if neither of you are for it, then it probably wouldn’t be wise.” He pauses for several moments in thought. “Hang on just a minute, Katie…” There is some background noise, a woman’s voice and the rustling of papers. Finally Reese gets back on. “Tell you what - if you can stand some secretarial work, we’ve got a spot open out on the floor. It wouldn’t be too exciting, but it might be good for you to get to know TJY and the staff here a bit better. On top of that, I know Laura’s been looking for a roommate to share expenses at her apartment. I don’t know how you’d feel about that, but you’d have a place to stay then, and Laura’s trustworthy. What do you think?”

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