

*Katie smiles at Con.* "I'm doin ok. Not to hungry but I though I should make my presence known."

*Dinner is quiet and soon everyone is going there own way. Katie stands and looks down at Con.* "I'm going to be leaving early in the morning. Will you be there to say one last bye?"

*Finaly after a few house pass Katie makes her way back to her bunk. Once there she sits down and writes a letter know She probley wont have time to talk to him in the morning: { Dear Jason,
I know your upset with me but I hope you read this. I am going to be leave early tomarrow morning. I'm going back to TJY. Reese has some work for me to do that and I though it would probley be best for both of us right now seeing as we are angry with eachother. I just wanted to tell you goobye before I left and dont worry I will be around. If you need me at all you have my number and Con knows email. No matter what happens Jason your my good friend and I am wish you always. Take care and treat Jade good.
Your friend, Katie.} :Katie puts the letter into an envalope and heads over to Jason's bunk. Not know if he is there or not she puts the letter under the door. Than heads back to her own and falls asleep.*

*Night falls over the ranch all it quiet. As everyone sleeps.*

~*~Somewhere alse~*~

*Sam pulls into a motel taking the sleeping BJ out of the car. Grabing a room she tucks BJ in and sits watching tv for alittle bit. Looking at her watch she see its 1am. In a few hours Stan would be at her house looking to take BJ away. Sam quivered at the though of how angry he was going to be when he found out they wernt there. Sam wanted to be as far away as possable at that time. Sam sets the alarm clock for 5 so they can get up and be on the road again. Looking she see BJ and Mr.Snuggles sleeping. How lucky he was to be sleeping in a dreamland where there was no worry.* "Soon BJ, soon you will be safe."

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