
Important Job

Cindy smiles at Wes gratefully. "Thank you..." She grows a little embarrassed. "I was ready to leave, but Rosetta stopped me..." She gives Wes' hand a light squeeze. "I better go see if Becky needs some help - she was going to be doing a bunch of laundry today."

Reese responds readily. "Alright. Sounds like a plan. Yes, do give me a call before you leave because I'll have a couple things you'll need to know when you get here." He pauses. "And Katie...like I've told many others who have come here, the job you're given may not be glamorous, but trust me that whether you're in Europe undercover, or making copies in the office, the work you do is important, appreciated, and does help in the big scheme of things whether it feels like it or not. Behind the scene tasks are the backbone around here." The tone of his voice hints that he is smiling. "I'll be awaiting your call. If you have a ride, great, if not, we'll fly you in."

Jason glares at the ceiling. He just didn't get it. What had he really done wrong? Katie hated him, Con wasn't approving of him...he'd thought he had been making the right decision! He rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the pain in his leg. He'd already lost Austin... what was left? Jade was the only one who seemed to take him for who he was right now. What had happened?

Con wanders into the mess hall, going to the kitchen to get something to eat for Jason. As he's gathering just a few things, Jade comes in. She looks at his face, seeing several bruises. "Con?" she asks timidly. "Is everything okay?"

Con turns and gives her a smile. "Yeah...it's okay, Jade."

"But you and Jason..."

"It was just a misunderstanding."

"I haven't seen him all day...is he alright?"

Con looks down, but forces himself to nod. "His sugar level crashed, so I'm taking him some food, but otherwise, yeah..."

Jade searches his eyes, wanting to understand, but seeing that he's respecting someone's privacy enough not to elaborate. "Can I take him his food?"

Con hands her the plate with a grin. Whether he agreed with what Jason had done or not, he wasn't going to begrudge him whatever happiness he had with Jade at the moment. "Sure."

He watches her goes, then cleans up the small mess he'd made. Wandering into the other room, he looks around, getting his bearings on where everyone is at. Clint was just walking out the door, he'd seen Mick near the barns, Jeff was at a computer, Wendy was at a computer, Eric was..... He glances into the living room. Eric was on the couch scanning some want ads. And Jim, Becky....Rosalynn? Con can hear the washing machine down the other hall, and wanders in that direction, going past the guest room. He stops as he hears voices, and identifies the three people he'd been looking for. Their tones sound hushed, and Con wonders if everything is okay, but he's not going to pry. As long as everyone was accounted for. He turns around and heads back out, grabbing his cell phone to call Austin and see what the days' plans were.

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