
Cloud Nine

*Misty holds the blue teddy bear Kyle won her as she sits in the back of the truck bed. The day had been wonderful and the distraction she needed. Now she only wish they dident have to go back. Running away from life was fun, it was the going back part the hurt the most sometimes.

If someone had asked Misty a few days ago who she would feel on this night she wouldent have been sure how to answer, but sitting here, now, she dident feel half bad. The day had been fun with Kyle. The laughing, the joking, the compatition that went on between them. It was a differnt side to Misty and not one she hated. Acting like a kid again had been fun.

Looking up at the sky as more fireword go off Misty lets out a sigh. In a word of hurt and a word of chaos there was still special moments, there were still fun times. Misty only hoped there would be more and that soon maybe oneday she could smile all the time again.

Turning her head Misty watches Kyle for a long moment. Watching as the firewords one by one go off lighting up his face. There was something differnt about him. Misty couldent put her finger on it but she new it was there. His jokes, his horseplay, everything he did seemed to coming to life and spread like a wild fire to each person that came into contact with him. Misty really had been enjoying what time she had been spending with him. Watching him a little while longer, her cheeks turn a light red color as an unexspected urge comes over her. Her heart raced and she felt herself move a little to Kyle as she could feel herself wanting a kiss from him. Misty dident understand where the feeling came from. Kyle was her friend, he had made no notion that he liked her more than a friendship not even a little bit. Misty dident want to rune her friendship if he dident, not to mention she couldent remeber when the last time she kissed anyone was let along even remember how.

Finally giving Kyle's arm a pat she slids forward alittle as the fireworks start to slow down. Turning her head she looks over her shoulder sweetly smiling at Kyle.*

"I had a really fun time today Kyle. Thank you for helping me forget my problems today. I had a great time. I have something for you."

*Misty hold up a picture from one of the rollercoasters of her clinging to his arm smiles on both of there faces.*

"That way you can remember this day too and I have my teddy to remember and a pic for myself as well. Though I dont think I could forget having this much fun."

*Jess enters the hotel room with the other and looks around. It was a fairly nice looking room and that pleased her. After going over a few more things a few more time Jess finally thinks everyone is ready.*

"Ok yeah thats a good idea Velvet. Don't wait to long though. The sooner we can just drive right in the less weary we will look."

*Jess exits the room and both boys follow her as she heads downstairs to where the cards tabels were.

Leaning on the railing she over looks everything servaying the area and making sure both Carson and Peter have some cash on them to start out. Finding two tables that are just starts Jess gives a nod.*

"Carson I want you to take the left table there and Peter I want you to take the right. Keep count...win some, lose some...keep you eyes out for Sean and Velvet, when the tables become hot give the signal so her and I can come in and long as you keep count and use the right code word to let us know what the count is at we should be as good as golden. Anyone asks your name give them a fake, dont get to drunk and most of all don't lose count. Good Luck boy, we are gonna hit it big."

*Jess smiles at Peter and Carson giving them a nod and a confadent look. If all went well they could be walking on cloud nine with a nice heafty load of dough to cast there worrys away.

Once the boys are at the table Jess stays leaning on the railing and orders the redbull and Vokda keep her eyes scaning the floor and the sarrounding areas, taking in and everything waiting for Sean and Velvet.*

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