
Light up

Kyle rolls onto his side, propped up on an elbow as he accepts the picture. A smile spreads on his face. "Looks like we were having a lot of fun doesn't it?"

He glances up, studying Misty's face for a moment. "I don't think I could forget this either. Thanks for letting me have fun with you."

A gold firework shoots into the sky, sending a bright brilliance everywhere. Kyle cocks his head a little, a grin forming as he continues to study Misty's face. "Seeing your face light up was worth the miles it took to get here."

He gives a dry laugh, knowing that probably sounded stupid, and he looks back down, finally shifting his weight to sit up, leaning his head back against the window of the truck. He looks at the picture again, enjoying it for several seconds. The odd sensation was back and he tries to suppress it.

Swallowing hard, he looks over at Misty. "I guess the dwindling fireworks are our cue to get on out of here." He pauses, knowing he'd better shut up while he's ahead, but controlling his tongue never had come easily. "I don't want to leave."

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