
The chase

*Taking in Kyle's kiss for the long moment Misty feels like she is almost floating. This moment now, these emotions who would of know that they would have exsisted. The feelings that were buryed who would of relized they were there till now.

As Kyle pulls away and they lock eyes again Misty grins. She could tell her own cheeks were red but really dident mind much.

Giving a laugh at Kyle's comment Misty playfuly swats his arm. His humor helped make the embaresment a little less.*

"Well I am glad you will stay awake on the way home. I could not have you falling alseep on me now could I have?"

*Giving another laugh Misty turns and jumps into the front of Kyles jeep and before they are on there way home. Misty's mind raced as the scenery of the night past. The good feeling inside of her made she smile, yes the road to happyness was coming again. With any hope That could continue and Misty would be ok.*

*The night goes good and everyone follows the lead well, hot tables come up than get cold signaling to move on. The card are kept count and never was anyone confused. They were doing it, actully doing it and they were making a killing.

As the night draws on and the morning hours come Jess keeps her eyes out untill she stops Sean and see his signal. Scanning the room fast she catches the bouncers that are moving in fast. Geathering her own chips up and lets out a yawn and runs her hand through her hair before saying.*

"Welp I better stop here before my luck changes. Thank you for the games."

*And like a chain reaction Peter does the same passing the running hand message along.

As Jess goes to leave one of the bouncers reaches out and grabs her arm turning her around.*

"We'd like a word with you."

*Jess blood rushes the look in his eyes showing they new.

Peter acts fast and moves to the bouncer that had Jess. Giving a low kick he takes his feet out from under causing him to let Jess go. Pete grabs Jess arm and gets her to her feet.

Bending down Jess grabs her bag and looks to the other.*

"Run, get out."

*With out a second through Jess gives a jump and starts booking it. A few more bounces on her tail Jess dosent slow down. Running around people, around tables, up steps, jumping over table she dosent slow down and doent look back she can only hope her friends had made it out as well.

Bursting out of casino door Jess keeps running and than takes a sharp turn down an ally way sliding on the pavment and scrapping her knee. Wasting no time her jumps up again and heads to behind a dumpster waiting for the bouncers to go by.

The minutes go by as Jess stays in hidding till finally she comes out and causily exits the ally way looking left, and than looking right. Making her way back to the hotel room she keeps her head down and goes to the room. Opening the door Jess enters.

Peter sits up fast as he hears the door open. Seeing Jess enter he relaxes and gives a wave.*

"You made it?"

*Jess looks at Peter and nods.*

"I'm here aint I? The others back yet?"

*Peter shakes his head.*

"Not yet."

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