

As Misty turns around to face Kyle, he feels himself drawn in by her stare. He knew what was going through her mind...the look in her eye says it all. Even still, as she moves in and her lips touch his, his reflexes cause him to tense, wanting him to pull away. But he manages to refuse the impulse. It was too warm...too sweet.

Kyle's pulse races as he receives her kiss, a tingle running throughout, and for a moment, he finds himself unable to move. But allowing it to linger, he gradually moves his hands tighter around Misty, one hand on her shoulder, the other letting his fingers cradling her face, then sliding back to comb through her soft hair. Slowly, gently he begins to return the kiss, caught up in the feelings it evoked.

Eventually, Kyle softly pulls away, his eyes locking with Misty's. He knew his face was beat red but he didn't care. The night hid it well. The moonlight reflected in Misty's eyes, and he felt as though he could stare at them for eternity.

But his playful nature won't let sentiment last too long, and a grin quirks the corner of his mouth . "Now that's a ride worth going on twice." His grin widens and he reaches up to tip her nose with a finger. "I think I'll be able to stay awake on the way home now."

Carson's eyes are everywhere yet focused at the same time. He was good at acting, and dropping his accent for the evening wasn't hard. Settling in at a table, he keeps track of who's there and all the cards that are being played. For a while it's quiet. Nothing exciting.

A couple rounds later, Velvet appears to make her way into the scene, flirting with several men, and throwing Jess a glance only once to let her know she was on top of her role.
Sean settles back against the bar, surveying the room, striking up a conversation with someone slightly inebriated. It's easy to keep the dialogue up while at the same time keeping an eye on all the entrances and exits. Spotting bouncers and security, within a few minutes, he knows who to look out for.

The night goes on. It's early in the morning, the place is crowded, and people have come and gone, the crowd shifting like a wave. The five teammates have played their parts well, though impatience is on the verge.

Sean sighs as he plays with a corner slot machine for a while before returning to the bar. He'd memorized the room by now. He knew exactly where to head if anything went down. Their room was upstairs, but they'd all head outside first and scatter, then meet back at the room. Otherwise they might have trouble on their hands inside the building, and no one wanted that.

Carson tilts his chair back slightly, watching the players around him. He keeps a yawn from surfacing. Alcohol had been consumed slowly, his intention to keep his head clear enough to play smart.

Finally, a signal is spotted. A table is hot. Then the game really begins and mathematical skills are pushed to the limit. Sean watches the game. Jess, Peter and Carson were involved. Velvet was wandering the floor, acting just a little more intoxicated than she really was.

Sean casually lets things progress, but suddenly he spots one of the security men sniffing around the table and watching a little too intently. The man makes eyes with the bouncer across the room, then moves around behind Jess, then behind Peter. A slight nod is made to another security man.

They knew.

Sean puts his glass down and shakes hands with the man he'd been conversing with. After a brief exchange of farewell, he walks casually to the other side of the room. Once he's in a spot where Jess can see him, he stretches and yawns, running a hand through his hair and making a comment to someone that he should hit the hay before he passed out.

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