
Simple Time

Hope gives a nod to Scott seeing the worry in his eyes. She new this would be hard and she hated knowing that Scott thought this was his fault. Turning a little more Hope looks at Scott with senserity in her eyes.

"I know I didn't do anything wrong. Its all been a miss understanding and it will be straitend out. Please dont worry Scott because there is nothing to worry about."

Hope ment it, and even if she did lose her licence she got to know Scott out of that, and somethings are more important.

"Now about those subs. I'm starving..."

Taking Scott's hand Hope gives it a small kiss, as a smile spreads on her lips.

Just letting Jason's emotions flow Katie runs her hands gentily through his hair. She could feel his termoil and new how upset he was. She felt badly for him and wish there was something more she could do, but right now there wasn't.

One day you will get your wish Jason...one day soon! Its not always your fault.

Not really wanting much of a reply Katie starts to hum a soft tune trying to sooth herself and Jason as she filtered both there emotions. Her mind went from step to step on what to do next. She needed to talk with Reese and explain to him she needed some time off.

Looking down at Jason Katie's heart aches for so many differnt reasons that they seemed to mush into one. Katie just wished they could go back to a simpler time.

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