

Typing away at her computer Sapphire works diligently. She wanted to try and get her work done early today. There was a fair in town and last night she had promised to bring Gage. They were going to need all the time they could get with showing him different things before the fire works that night.

Looking up at her brothers voice Sapphire gives a smile as she stands and pulls her brother into a strong embrace. It was good to see him again even if after the last few years that hadnt been close. Sapphire had missed seeing him just the same.

"Oh Scott, its so good to see you again."

Pulling away Sapphire takes a few steps back to look at her little brother. He looked like he was doing alot better on the outside she only hoped the inside matched.

"How are you feeling?"

Entering TJY Katie keeps her head down not really looking anyone in the eyes. Her head had been killing her this morning, and nothing seemed to bright. She just wanted to get what she had come for done, and put things into motion. For her sake....for Jason's sake.

Entering the tiny office Katie gives a small wave to Susanne point to the office. Receiving a nod that Reese was in his office Katie knocks and than enters.

"Morning Reese."

Making her way to the chair that was across from Reese desk Katie sits down drawing silent for a long moment as she looks down at her hands. She new what she wanted to do it just seemed so hard to do it. But finally looking up though Katie's eyes lacked much they also held a bit of emotion.

"I came because I wanted to request some time off. I know you need me around here but...I cant be here right now. For the last feel weeks I have been trying to convince myself and everyone else I am ok, but deep inside I am not ok. I'm broken, damaged..and I need time to heal."

Looking around the room for a moment Katie's eyes just rome the room as she trys to contain what little bit of dignaty she had and not break down in front of Reese.

"I need to find who I am again and I cant do that here. I was thinking about going home for a little while, back to Texas. I'll be back I'm just not sure when. So if you could grant me that time off that would be great."

When she was ready Katie new she would like to come back to TJY though she wouldn't ask Reese to hold her job for her because she new that was a lot to ask seeing as she didnt even know what she would be back. She only hoped that in time there would always be a place for her here.

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