

Scott slowly enters TJY, letting his eyes adjust to the inside. It was early yet. He'd had a late evening with Hope at the lake, having just talked for the longest time before finally getting back home... but even that couldn't keep him away from an early start this morning. He'd been hesitant to come... feeling almost that he wanted a day just to adjust again. But... no, he needed to come.

Only a few people were here yet. He knew Reese was in the back. He'd seen Rick and Misty's vehicles. As he wanders down the row between cubicles, he hears the clicking of computer keys and a small smile surfaces. Maybe they still did think alike in some ways.

He stops and leans quietly on the cubicle wall. "Hey, Sis."

Jason hits his alarm for the third time, sinking his head back down into his pillow. Ever since yesterday, he'd had a headache, and it was stuck with him, even this morning. It was late... and getting later. But Reese would just have to wait.

Trooper groans and nudges his arm, but Jason just rolls out of the way, ignoring his dog for now.

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